The modern radical far-left has in the recent decade or two succeeded in infiltrating and invading almost every single aspect of western society. There's almost no company, corporation, institution or even governmental agency that doesn't preach its tenets from the rooftops, often implementing absolutely draconian (and often self-destructive) policies.
If there's one institution that one would think that they would have very hard time infiltrating and taking over, it would be the United States military forces. It's run by very strict old-fashioned men and is ruled by extremely strict rules, mandates and traditions that go back decades and even centuries. One would think that if there's one unshakeable rock that the extremist far-left cannot shake, it would be the military forces.
Yet, somehow, and I literally have absolutely no idea how, in the past 10 or so years they succeeded in doing so. Very high-ranking army generals started making speeches about "diversity and inclusion", and how white conservatives are terrorists and so on and so on. Very egregious and campy alphabet people were put in very visible leading positions. And the most cringe recruiting campaign videos ever created in the history of human military were created and published, without any shame, promoting far-leftist propaganda and the alphabet people.
And what do you know, in the past 10 or so years recruitment numbers have gone down by about 25%, which when it comes to the US military is almost devastating.
Well, who would have guessed that trying to pander to the far left and to the alphabet people isn't going to exactly cause a flood of new recruits? Render me surprised (insert "surprised pikachu face" here).
Except that anybody with half a brain cell could have predicted that outcome 10 years ago already.
Neither the far left in general, and especially the alphabet people in particular, are the sort of person who wants a military career, who wants to be taught how to fight on the frontlines and, especially sent there. Especially given that a good majority of military campaigns of the US armed forces is in Muslim countries, and the far left most definitely would not want to go anywhere near those countries with that kind of missions in mind.
Anybody with a half brain cell could have told them that trying to pander to and recruit alphabet people is a completely futile endeavor doomed to fail catastrophically. They are not the sort of people who want to join the military!
And to the surprise of nobody, that's exactly what happened.
So now the US military is in panic mode. They have released ultra-traditional recruiting videos with men fighting for their country, and they have tried to bring back retired recruiters and rush in-training recruiters en masse in order to try to increase recruitment numbers.
Perhaps they have now learned their lesson: "Diversity and inclusion" does not bring in recruits. It's pandering to the completely wrong crowd.
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