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The American Presidency is a complete disgrace

I'm not here talking about any particular President of the United States (although Joe Biden really is the biggest clown that has ever been the leader of any country; he's even a bigger clown than Justin Trudeau, which is quite an achievement). I'm talking about the role of the President.

In Finland, when someone is elected the President of the country, it's not required but it's customary for him to leave his political party, if he belonged to one, and become unaffiliated for the duration of the presidency.

This is a symbolic gesture done to indicate that the President of Finland represents all citizens equally and impartially, without taking political sides or favoring one political party over another. All citizens are equal in the eyes of the President, regardless of their political stances or any other opinions, and the role of the President is to represent all of them fairly and equally, and to drive everybody's interests and benefits.

Not so in the United States.

It almost feels like in that country each successive President competes with Presidents in how much he can undermine the policies and achievements of the opposing party, and how much he can drive the agenda of his own party, preferably at the detriment of the opposing party if possible. The President of the United States is extremely politically biased and most definitely does not represent nor drive the interests and benefits of all citizens equally. (Certainly if asked he would claim to do so, but it's extremely clear that's not the case.)

This biased political agenda has only become accentuated in the last decades, but it has pretty much always been so. Presidents of the country have always tried to undermine and dismantle what the other party has done and achieved, and to push policies that benefit their own side and/or hinder the other side.

I don't think this should be so. I like the Finnish system, where the President becomes unaffiliated with any political party and very prominently represents all people equally, without any favoritism to any particular political party or their agenda, nor trying to undermine the work of some political parties that he doesn't like.

Political parties elected to Parliament are a different story, but the President should be impartial and fair, and represent every citizen equally.
