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What happens when society and societal structure is destroyed?

Especially in recent years the modern "social justice" ideology movement (which includes the so-called "black lives matter" movement) has made it quite clear and unambiguous that their goal is to dismantle and take down current western society, culture and societal structures. This is not something inferred or read between the lines. This is something that many of them very directly, unambiguously, openly and unashamedly state, as if there was nothing wrong with that (and in fact, it's the only right thing to do). They have this incredibly naive and outright stupid idea that in order to build a "better" society, the existing one needs to be taken down, dismantled, and destroyed, so that the "better" society can be built from a fresh start.

Their stupidity and ignorance knows no bounds. Maybe, maybe, that idea could perhaps work if we are talking about a "society" consisting of a few dozen people. It most certainly does not work when we are talking about a society of millions, even hundreds of millions.

What stops a society from destroying itself? What stops people from attacking each other, taking advantage of each other, killing each other, stealing from each other, and overall looking only for themselves at the expense of everybody else? Sure, there are some individual people in all societies that do exactly that, but they tend to be such a small minority that they don't outright destroy the society in question.

So what stops that from happening? Ultimately, when we get all the way down to it, what stops it from happening is people caring for other people in their own community, their own society, their own country.

It's not law enforcement per se. Even law enforcement could not stop millions of people fighting with each other and taking advantage of each other. The ultimate core reason why it doesn't happen is that people care about other people. They care about them at a very minimum to the point of respecting their boundaries, their property, their personal freedoms and rights, their safety. People, at least an enough majority of people, don't just go around harassing, assaulting and mugging other people. In fact, if someone is in need of help (because of, for example, an accident), people will generally try to help them (eg. by calling emergency services to the scene). They respect other people in their community, don't want to inflict harm on them, and even help them if they are in grave danger or otherwise in desperate need (or, at a very minimum, try to find out how they could be helped, eg. by calling for help.)

But what makes people care about other people, complete strangers, in their community? Why are people polite to complete strangers, act in a civilized manner towards them, avoid doing harm to them, and in fact if they witness harm being actively done to someone they, usually, try to do something about it, if by nothing else, by calling for help?

There's a natural empathy built into human beings. This is both an innate instinct, with a long evolutionary past (which has helped our species survive and thrive over millions of years), and a cultural upbringing thing (which is a byproduct of the innate instinct). People are naturally empathetic of other people, and they are taught from very small to care about each other and not do harm to others. Children are castigated if they hurt others, and (in a normal traditional society) taught respect, manners and the social rules that make society work and thrive.

Uniformity of culture helps a great deal with this. When everybody in the community shares the same values, the same past, the same history, the same culture, the same ideas, the same customs, and have been taught the same societal norms, it helps people collaborate as a society, and to work with each other, and to respect each other, and to help each other when someone is in great urgent need. Having a sense of respect and even pride for one's community, one's society, one's country, also helps this a great deal. Having pride about one's society induces people to maintain that society, to maintain order and peace, and to keep the society up and peaceful.

But what happens when this is drastically changed?

What happens when people start being taught, from early on, to hate their own community, to hate their own society, to hate their own country, to hate others, to even hate themselves? What happens when people are taught to distrust and hate a significant portion, even the majority, of other people? When they are taught that the majority of other people are evil, must not be trusted, and must be hated? When they are taught prejudice against a majority of other people in their own community?

What happens when the culture in society becomes fragmented? When dozens of extremely different and ideologically incompatible cultures are all brought together and mixed together? When people can't trust anymore that strangers they meet will share their values, their ideals, their customs, their societal norms? When people have been taught that any stranger may be the "enemy", an evil person seeking to do harm to them? When people have been taught to be wary and scared of other people, because they may not share the same norms and customs?

What happens when people are taught to hate their own country and to want it dismantled and destroyed? When they are taught that the country and the culture are inherently evil, rotten to the core, extremely destructive, and have no value? When the history, and present, of the country and its people is vilified, demonized, rotten to the core, with no redeeming qualities of any kind, to be completely discarded and only worth of destruction?

Well, it's pretty simple: What happens is that people stop caring about other people. That's what.

And what do you think happens when people, at large, stop caring about other people? Chaos, that's what.

Not only will crime and violence escalate, but less and less people will stop caring about others being hurt, and will stop even trying to stop it or to help the victim. On the contrary, more and more people will have their morals so perverted that they will actually enjoy seeing the suffering of others, and even join in. It will be an "every man for himself" society where nobody is safe.

The amount of suffering will increase enormously, and if it continues for long enough, and escalates enough, society will indeed collapse, as the "social justice" zealots want. However, it will not result in a "fresh start" upon which a "better" society can be built. It will end in a catastrophe. It will end in lawlessness, tyranny and totalitarianism rising. It will end up in warring factions in a destroyed society. It will end up in millions of deaths, and the suffering of even more millions of people.

That's, of course, only the result if the situation is allowed to continue unchecked and unchallenged for long enough. That might not happen, if people rise up against it. However, in the short run a more immediate consequence is just the overall increase in crime, violence, suffering, social disorder, economic crises, and lowering of life quality of people, especially those who can least afford it. (Ironically, most rich people will suffer little or no ill effects from this, even though it's precisely the rich that the "social justice" warriors hate the most.)

We are already seeing the effects of this in many places. People are being brutally assaulted and tortured in the middle of the street in bright daylight, and nobody intervenes, not even people who would be trained to do so (such as security guards). In a recent case a woman was being literally raped in a public transport full of people, and the other people only watched and even filmed the event with their phones, without intervening or doing anything about it. They didn't even call the police. Sometimes even the police will just watch crimes happen in front of them, without doing anything about it.

And, of course, there's an enormous amount of rioting, property destruction, looting, and other kind of egregious blatant severe crimes being committed completely in the open, in view of everybody, and nobody does anything about it. Not bystanders, not law enforcement officials, not even the government itself. In fact, in the United States there are already several state prosecutors who have openly and publicly declared that they will not prosecute certain crimes, even though they are still illegal. Not eg. because they don't have the resources or the time, but purely for ideological reasons, as a matter of principle.

I cannot even begin to comprehend what exactly they think that is going to help or improve.

And do you know what's scary about it? There are no consequences for their blatant failure of duty and law enforcement. None.

That's the world we are heading towards.
