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Matt Parker surprised me (negatively) once again

I have made several blog posts about a pet peeve of mine: Matt Parker is a quite talented and entertaining maths popularized on YouTube, and I was subscribed to him for quite many years. However, some time in the late 2019 he decided, or got indoctrinated, to become an activist to promote the use of the pronoun "they" to refer to everybody. His videos quite quickly became extraordinarily obnoxious about it, as he not only used that pronoun exclusively to refer to people, anybody, but in fact he overused it whenever he could, littering his speech with way too many instance of that pronoun. (In a short speech lasting 20 or 30 seconds he could literally use the pronoun at least 10 times, oftentimes even inserting it in places where it didn't have to be.)

It appears, however, that as of late he has toned down his "they pronoun" activism. In fact, in a couple of recent videos he is actually clearly using "she" and "he" pronouns for people he knows. He's still using "they", but significantly more sparingly than before, and usually only to refer to people he doesn't know (eg. people on the internet who he only knows the name or even a nickname).

He seems to have toned down this behavior so much that I have actually considered resubscribing.

In his latest video (as of writing this), however, he did something that made me almost choke. Not even exaggerating.

I was eating something when I was watching his video "Find your own ABC Conjecture Triple", not paying much attention to it, when he said this:

"This Stand-up Maths video is brought to you by Jane Street Graduate Scholarships, part of the University of Oxford's Black Academic Future scholarships. Those scholarships are amazing, by the way. If you are in the UK and you are black or mixed-black heritage student wanting to do a master's in maths, stats or computing at the University of Oxford..."

I almost choked when I heard that. I'm not even kidding.

I had to rewind the video to make sure I had heard correctly, because I couldn't believe it.

I had heard it correctly. My jaw dropped.

What the actual fuck? This kind of racism and racial discrimination has no place in modern society! The fact that he's endorsing it completely nonchalantly is mind-boggling.

That kind of racism shouldn't be endorsed! He should immediately disassociate from such a racist organization!

What the actual fuck, Matt? What the fuck do you think you are doing? This is racist as hell! This has no place in modern society! Scholarships shouldn't be granted based on people's race! That's racism.
