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Example of social justice ideology destroying native people's livelihoods

The Sámi people are indigenous people of the northern parts of Europe and Northwest Russia. They have a very long and rich history and culture. In Finland the vast majority of them live in the most northern parts of the country.

Being very traditional indigenous people with a very long history, they have formed over the centuries very distinct and recognizable craftmanship, especially when it comes to clothes, tapestry, and many other forms of practical and decorative objects.

So much so, in fact, that for many decades Sámi art and products have been very popular among tourists and Finns alike. A lot of Finnish households have some kind of Sámi artwork, such as tapestry or other similar decorations. Sámi clothes are also popular.

This is a great source of income for many Sámi artisans and tailors.

Except... in the last few years they have seen their sales drop like a lead balloon. Nowadays their sales are absolutely abysmal, and many of them can't make a living out of it anymore.

In fact, there are fears that these traditional skills may start to be lost, because people don't have the motivation to learn them if they can't make them their profession, or at least a source of income.

Why? Is it the coronavirus pandemic?

No. It's the fact that most Finns are actually scared of buying any of these traditional Sámi arts and clothes. They are very unsure if they can buy them and, especially, use them for anything.

That's right. The notion of "cultural appropriation" has taken hold of the Finnish population so strongly that it has actually driven many professional Sámi artisans and tailors out of business, and is endangering the very existence of the craftmanship skills, for the sole reason that Finns are too scared of buying anything from them. Not because they wouldn't want to buy, but because they don't dare.

(And no, this is not my theory or speculation. This is something that's being talked eg. on radio and TV.)

Social justice ideology: Putting indigenous people out of business and removing their livelihoods. While hypocritically pretending to "protect" them.


  1. Even worse, the warped cosmopolitanism and social libertine ideology of modern progressives is the very thing that has torn apart indigenous cultures and continues to do so, while claiming to protect them. Look at the African Americans or Native Americans in the US. The destruction to their social structures over time from progressives is utterly devastating.


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