I have written about this exact subject several times in the past in this blog, but I can't help but feel the need to reiterate this fact, because it's really frustrating to see this time and again.
The notion that "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" is a favorite adage of far-leftist activists, but it's so widespread and ingrained that I have even seen their critics and anti-SJWs repeat it. Not objecting to the claim is extremely common, even on the anti-SJW side.
The claim is absolutely false. Freedom of speech does mean freedom from consequences! That's the very definition!
If an expression of opinion results in some kind of negative consequences, then it's not free speech anymore. It's punishable speech. It's restricted speech. It's forbidden speech. That's the exact opposite of free speech.
Saying "I support freedom of speech, but freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" is contradictory and hypocritical. It's the exact same thing as saying "I support freedom of speech, but I also support punishing people for their expression of opinion", which is an oxymoron, and hypocrisy. It's supporting two completely opposite positions at the same time.
Freedom from consequences is the very definition of freedom of speech. Thus it's exactly what it means! If there are consequences, then it's not free speech anymore, by definition.
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