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Can an atheist logically oppose abortion?

Many Christians have a rather distorted view of what "atheism" is and what "atheists" think. Or, at least, what the Christians think that "atheism" should be like, if taken to its logical conclusion and extreme (and, thus, if an "atheist" does not hold these positions exactly, he's "not really an atheist"). This is particularly common among American Christians (especially those of the fundamentalist persuasion), but is also somewhat common elsewhere as well (especially since in the last couple decades American Christians have been so effective at spreading their belief system all over the world via the internet).

One of these distorted views is that atheism cannot have any sort of objective morality, no objective moral principles. Which, when talking about this particular subject, would mean that atheism does not put any value on someone else's life, and thus an atheist cannot logically and consistently oppose abortion.

These Christians invariably fail to understand that the modern concept of human rights, which has been described by many philosophers and authors over the past centuries, and inscribed in fundamental documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitutions and laws of many countries, are largely of secular origin. Concepts like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, universal suffrage, abolition of slavery, and all kinds of other universal rights (ie. the rights are the same for everybody regardless of anything) are not of religious origin, but of secular origin. They are the product of centuries of secular philosophy, built upon even more centuries of history and politics, learning about what works and what does not work for the betterment of humanity.

If one were to be asked to name the one fundamental human right that supersedes every other, the most important one, which one would it be? If one had to choose one single fundamental human right, and put it above everything else, which one would it be?

I think that most people would agree that it would be the right to life.

This is the one right that, when infringed, can be considered the worst crime against a person, above everything else. This is the one right that must be most fundamentally protected by governments.

It is perfectly possible to give a 100% secular atheistic argument for this fundamental human right, based on sociology, political theory, secular ethical theory, biology and even evolutionary theory. There's absolutely nothing inconsistent about a purely secular atheistic world view, and the view that the right to life is the most fundamental human right.

Thus, it's perfectly possible for an atheist to be against abortion, without any sort of ideological contradiction or inconsistency. There is nothing controversial about this.


  1. Hi out of the current post topic but rekatedt with your older posts about USA police not taking action against perpetrators and they are not being reprimanded for their lack of not upholding the law this link shows that it started to change(!) when the police not tolerating right wing protesters even if they are nitt in active duty phew it is such a great improvement man.

    1. I don't think it's an improvement. I think it shows political bias in police accountability. When leftists riot and the police does nothing to stop it, nothing happens to those police officers. When republicans riot and the police does nothing, only then is something done to those police officers. Until I see evidence of the contrary, this looks like extreme political bias to me. Which, in a way, is actually worse than if the police were never held accountable for any instances of inaction.

      (Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, and you are actually being sarcastic...)

  2. Yeah actually I was being sarcastic because it is very contrary of what we see how police get away for not upholding the law in many other violent act of perpetrators.

  3. Christians mainly Catholics being pro life is an allusion compared their History of making people suffer or slaughter them because of their being heretics. Throughout the history both Islam and Christianity showed when they had the capacity and power to rule they weren't any pro life at all but oro death for heretics. So now their playing into stadiums and trying to show themselves as compassionate just one of the many tricks of increasing their followers and virtue signaling.

  4. there is no edit after making comments here so i made a stupid mistake of using allusion instead of illusion just for the records i meant illusion.

  5. Where does objective morality come from?

    1. Logic, reason and centuries of experience.

  6. Shouldn't you be alive at first (or at least have a nervous system) to have the right to live?

    1. Many, perhaps most, abortions are done to fetuses that are quite alive by any definition of that concept.


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