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Predictions for the near future, part 21

This is such an easy thing to predict that I'm almost tempted not to write a post about it because it seems so self-evidently true, but anyway.

For four years now the regressive far-left in the United States, including all the major leftist news outlets and almost all of the Democratic Party, has been trying to push conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory about how the presidential election of 2016 was somehow rigged and meddled with by whatever foreign entity (Russia being the major but not only scapegoat) and whatever myriads of domestic entities.

The big irony is that the far-left, including much of the Democratic Party, will try their hardest to meddle with, rig, sabotage and mess up the upcoming 2020 presidential election, using every possible legal and illegal trick they can think of. They have already tried to affect the 2020 election in the past by trying to get rid of the Electoral College. Their meddling will just escalate to astonishing levels towards the end of this year.

If they lose the election, they will use their own meddling to cast doubt onto the legitimacy of the entire election (and, barring some major civil war or something that destroys the entire country and the government, for the next four years they will once again try to impeach Trump and invalidate his presidency using these excuses).

If they somehow happen to win the election, they will just dismiss all the accusations of meddling with the election as "conspiracy theories". They will try to turn the accusations themselves into a weapon against the Republicans and conservatives, and will pretend that absolutely nothing of the sort actually happened (after all, they have become masters at rewriting events as they are happening, and vehemently claim things that are not happening and deny things that are happening, regardless of ample evidence.)

The election process itself will be disrupted as much as possible. Expect to see terrorist attacks against voting stations by far-leftists. Or, at a very minimum, expect to see harassment of people and disruption of traffic and people's free movement, with plenty of physical assaults. All the while the police will just watch from the sidelines doing nothing about it.

I believe that whatever happens in the election itself, whatever the result is, expect riots and a massive amount of violence from the far-leftist terrorists. If Trump wins, then rather obviously they will try to destroy everything. Even if the Democrat candidate wins, they will probably still riot and destroy, because they will take the election result as a sign that it's open season for hunting conservatives. And, of course, the police will do nothing to stop any of this. They haven't done it in the past decade, why start now?

If Trump wins, the situation might escalate even further. I don't know how accurate they are, but rumors are that the Democratic Party is already having internal discussions about literal armed civil war and secession if Trump wins. (Even if the rumors are true, it might just be hot air. But nevertheless, the way things have gone, I actually wouldn't put it past them. Perhaps if they actually go and start some kind of quasi-military insurrection, the Democratic Party will split into two.)
