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American police are cowards

Recently in an elementary school in Florida an 8-year old had some kind of violent temper tantrum and the teacher called the police.

For starters, any elementary school teacher who calls the police because she can't handle an 8-year-old is a mental retard that does not belong in a school teaching children, but in a mental hospital. That kind of mental retardation needs to be treated, and such a person must never be allowed anywhere near children.

But that's not the worst part of it. The worst part is that not only did the police show up, but they frisked the 8-year-old boy, put him in handcuffs and took him away.

An 8 years old boy. By two adult police officers.

And this is not a unique case. It's not like in this one single instance the police officers happened to be hit by the same mental retardation as the teacher and started acting like complete lunatics. No, this very same thing has happened many, many times in the United States. It happens again and again.

If here in Finland police officers were to do something like that, they would probably at a very minimum be suspended, most probably prosecuted and fined, perhaps even jailed for child abuse.

The United States is the only country in the entire world that I know of where the police does this. I don't know of any other country, no matter what government system, where the police does this kind of thing to children. I don't think this happens in the most totalitarian banana republic hellholes that you can think of. Not even in totalitarian regimes are police officers this kind of child abusers.

American police officers are cowards and child abusers. They could just as well castrate themselves because they have no balls anyway.

No wonder why they are so scared of a bunch of middle-class spoiled rich kid larping revolutionaries. If they are so scared of an 8-year-old that they have to handcuff him, no wonder they shit their pants when masked terrorists are throwing rocks at them.

Fucking cowards.
