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How did the neo-Marxists get so powerful in the west?

It's a common trope in many sci-fi series (books and TV), typically the main plot in at least one episode, sometimes even the main plot of an entire book, that some kind of terrible weapon of mass destruction is discovered from a war between two peoples or civilizations that ended long before, and which has therefore become completely unnecessary, but which is now eg. headed towards the country/planet it was originally aimed at, and the main conflict of the episode is how to stop it, as the weapon has been constructed to make it nearly impossible to stop no matter what. Sometimes the weapon might in fact be so old that the original people or species who created it are long dead, or otherwise do not exist anymore (making the weapon all the more obsolete). Perhaps the weapon got into hibernation for decades or centuries for some reason and recently re-activated, or there was some other reason why its arrival at the destination was so delayed.

The current revolution that the far-leftist neo-Marxist are attempting might, in fact, be this kind of delayed "weapon", in this case of psychological and ideological subversion, which is only now reaching its peak effectiveness and is trying to actively take over and destroy all of western society as it exists, the very western system and society, and everything within it. The neo-Marxists aren't even hiding and pretending anymore. They are very open about it: They want to destroy the entirety of the western world. Tear it all down. The police, the government, the society, the very people that form that entire system, they want to destroy everything and take over.

Where did this neo-Marxist ideology in the west start from? As I have written again and again in this blog, the answer to this is extremely clear: Universities. The majority of western universities, especially in certain countries (most prominently the United States, but also many others) have been completely taken over by far-leftist neo-Marxists, who are indoctrinating young and impressionable students by the thousands into the ideology and into becoming activists and soldiers for the cause.

But how did it get into universities in the first place? This is also quite clear: From the very source of Marxism. In other words, the Soviet Union. More particularly, for decades it was an active infiltration and subversion tactic by the KGB.

There have been many KGB defectors who have talked about this (such as Yuri Bezmenov), and there have been countless Soviet spies caught over the decades, since the 50's and even longer. Many of these spies had infiltrated the west by becoming university professors, and one of their main goals was precisely the ideological subversion and the normalization of Marxism-Leninism in western universities, and there have been many known cases, and who knows how many that never got caught, and who could freely spread the seed of Marxist ideology in universities.

The goal of the Soviet Union and the KGB was quite clear: Destabilize the capitalist west, and make its own people destroy the entire system. Make its own people destroy capitalism, the economy, the government. Tear it all down until there's nothing left, and thus it becomes easy for the Soviets to take over. Many a KGB defector (like Mr. Bezmenov above) have told that it was quite clear to them that the west was not beatable via military force, that especially the United States was way too powerful for that, so the alternative tactic was subversion: To poison the west from within.

The fruits of the seeds that those Soviet spies planted have blossomed with quite a delay, but it's happening right now, at this very moment. The "weapon" that the Soviet spies planted onto the very soil of the west is now attacking from within, trying to destroy everything.

Ironically, neither the Soviet Union nor the KGB exist anymore. They are long gone. The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, and the KGB with it. Russia is not really a communist country anymore (at least not to the extent that it was back in the Soviet era).

While the politics of Russia are extremely complicated and it's difficult to make heads or tails about it, what their political ideology is, and what their stances on western countries and capitalism, I think it can be argued that this "weapon" that the KGB planted in the west has long become obsolete. Perhaps in this particular case Russia isn't extraordinarily interested in stopping it at all costs, and they don't really mind the west destroying itself, but I still think that they don't have that much of an interest in it anymore either.

This Marxist ideological subversion "weapon" has been pretty obsolete for like 30 years now, but it's still ready to explode in full force. Only time will tell if the west will be able to stop it from completely destroying western society.

One thing is clear, though: Even if the west ends up succeeding in stopping it, it will take many, many years, perhaps decades, of a hard-fought ideological and sociological war and, who knows, perhaps even to some extent an actual physical civil war or three. Maybe very small ones, but still with actual warfare and deaths.

Unlike in those sci-fi TV episodes, there is no switch that can be used to turn the weapon off. This will be a long and hard ideological civil war, which may take an entire generation before it's over. Let's just hope that it ends well.
