The so-called "regressive left" (which is a mockery of them calling themselves "progressive") is called "regressive" for a reason: Their values are going further and further back into the darker times of humanity, where racism and prejudice was prevalent. For quite many years now they have demanded more and more things that sound eerily similar to the racist attitudes of the past, such as racial segregation.
Since there seems to be no limit to the extremes to which regressive leftists are willing to go in order to gain power, I predict that the trend will just continue and become worse and worse.
They will start advocating for outright racial purity. Rights and privileges will be granted based on the degree of racial purity of people. At first it may be based on how a person looks outwardly, but this may end up involving DNA testing. They will start discriminating against people more and more, if they are not racially pure enough. Mixed-race people, especially those with any sort of white ancestry, will be considered lesser human beings, tainted by the curse of "whiteness". These people might even be discriminated against and attacked.
Asian people will become as reviled by them as white people.
They will start opposing interracial marriages.
They will start demanding more and more racial segregation, much more than they currently are already. This I guarantee: There will come a time in the very near future when some of them will start advocating for white people to be literally restricted to the back of the bus. They will likely also demand for racially segregated facilities (such as restrooms and water fountains) and services.
White people will be banned from becoming tanned in any way, and breaking this ban may cause severe consequences (including up to violence and even murder attempts).
I wouldn't be surprised if at some point, at some places, regressive leftist activists will form vigilante gangs whose mission is to watch for, impose and maintain their ideology by patrolling the streets and pestering, harassing and even assaulting anybody who looks wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if these gangs start wearing something similar to KKK attire. (The most likely countries where this might happen is the United States, where the police seems to be completely unwilling to do anything to people who are "protesting", no matter how much they break the law, and the United Kingdom, which is a regressive leftist police state already, so they will do nothing. Heck, the police officers themselves might participate in these vigilante gangs. When we are talking about the UK, it wouldn't even surprise me.)
Jailtime will be demanded for people who slight them in any way, shape or form. Some countries, especially in Europe, will comply. Obviously the severity of legal punishment will depend on the racial purity of the person.
And, of course, pure unadultered harsh blatant racism against white people will increase by orders of magnitude. This won't be just white people complaining about being mildly inconvenienced by some "diversity" and "inclusion" policies at some institutions and corporations and how "unfair" it is. No, this will be very open, blatant and deliberate racism against white people, against all white people, for the sole reason that they are white. They will be mercilessly attacked in mainstream media and all possible venues (which regressive social justice warriors have succeeded in invading), and not always with mere words. Not only will they be mocked, ridiculed, and the most vile and toxic rhetoric be thrown at them, rhetoric that will be ten times worse than the absolutely worst rhetoric that has ever been used in the past by anybody, but it will go beyond mere words. It will go to action. Activists will do everything they can to destroy white people's lives and livelihood. They will be severely discriminated against. Physical violence will increase. Even outright murder. There is no limit to which social justice ideology will not go.
To some extent this same racism will be enacted on East Asians and, perhaps, against Jews.
Since there seems to be no limit to the extremes to which regressive leftists are willing to go in order to gain power, I predict that the trend will just continue and become worse and worse.
They will start advocating for outright racial purity. Rights and privileges will be granted based on the degree of racial purity of people. At first it may be based on how a person looks outwardly, but this may end up involving DNA testing. They will start discriminating against people more and more, if they are not racially pure enough. Mixed-race people, especially those with any sort of white ancestry, will be considered lesser human beings, tainted by the curse of "whiteness". These people might even be discriminated against and attacked.
Asian people will become as reviled by them as white people.
They will start opposing interracial marriages.
They will start demanding more and more racial segregation, much more than they currently are already. This I guarantee: There will come a time in the very near future when some of them will start advocating for white people to be literally restricted to the back of the bus. They will likely also demand for racially segregated facilities (such as restrooms and water fountains) and services.
White people will be banned from becoming tanned in any way, and breaking this ban may cause severe consequences (including up to violence and even murder attempts).
I wouldn't be surprised if at some point, at some places, regressive leftist activists will form vigilante gangs whose mission is to watch for, impose and maintain their ideology by patrolling the streets and pestering, harassing and even assaulting anybody who looks wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if these gangs start wearing something similar to KKK attire. (The most likely countries where this might happen is the United States, where the police seems to be completely unwilling to do anything to people who are "protesting", no matter how much they break the law, and the United Kingdom, which is a regressive leftist police state already, so they will do nothing. Heck, the police officers themselves might participate in these vigilante gangs. When we are talking about the UK, it wouldn't even surprise me.)
Jailtime will be demanded for people who slight them in any way, shape or form. Some countries, especially in Europe, will comply. Obviously the severity of legal punishment will depend on the racial purity of the person.
And, of course, pure unadultered harsh blatant racism against white people will increase by orders of magnitude. This won't be just white people complaining about being mildly inconvenienced by some "diversity" and "inclusion" policies at some institutions and corporations and how "unfair" it is. No, this will be very open, blatant and deliberate racism against white people, against all white people, for the sole reason that they are white. They will be mercilessly attacked in mainstream media and all possible venues (which regressive social justice warriors have succeeded in invading), and not always with mere words. Not only will they be mocked, ridiculed, and the most vile and toxic rhetoric be thrown at them, rhetoric that will be ten times worse than the absolutely worst rhetoric that has ever been used in the past by anybody, but it will go beyond mere words. It will go to action. Activists will do everything they can to destroy white people's lives and livelihood. They will be severely discriminated against. Physical violence will increase. Even outright murder. There is no limit to which social justice ideology will not go.
To some extent this same racism will be enacted on East Asians and, perhaps, against Jews.
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