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Is The Last Of Us Part II an SJW game?

When the sequel to the highly acclaimed PlayStation 3 game The Last of Us was in development, controversy arose because of the comments made by a disgruntled employee of the company, claiming that, among other things, the script of the game was heavily SJW-influenced. Trailers of the game also made people suspicious because of, among other things, a character who appeared to be a transsexual, at least in how she looks and behaves in the trailers (and in the game proper).

The developer company, Naughty Dog, denied that the character was transsexual (and, to be fair, there really isn't anything in the game that would indicate her to be), but as far as I remember didn't make many comments about how much "progressive" "inclusive" far-leftist politics had been shoved into the game.

Was this all a huge exaggeration and misinterpretation, and is the developer company innocent of trying to shove leftist politics into the game and thus down the throat of the players?

Well, in the case of that one character, maybe so. (I see no evidence in the game that she's nothing but a "tough" large woman, which is not enormously unrealistic.) However, there are several other indications that even if the game is not outright far-leftist propaganda, there are at least strong allusions to it.

Exhibit 1:

The new main protagonist of the game is Ellie, the (mostly) non-playable side character from the first game, while the male main character of the previous game has been made quite unlikeable, and shoved aside early in the game, in a rather unfitting and ignominious manner.

Of course this in itself is not indication of anything. What is more of an indication is that Ellie is very openly and in-your-face lesbian (although that isn't actually new in this game, as that was already established in the Last of Us: Left Behind DLC (published a year after the original game). The motivations behind that were likely equally political.)

Exhibit 2:

They didn't dare to uglify Ellie herself in this game, but a quite clear amount of uglification was made to her new "girlfriend", compared to the actress who that character was modeled after:

Exhibits 3 and 4:

Note that the outbreak that caused the end of the world in the game happened canonically in 2013 (and there are several references to the event, and that year, throughout the game).

That makes those flags and those crosswalk paintings completely anachronistic, as they were not in use in this manner in 2013 (and their design, and the context, makes it very clear that they were supposed to have been put there before the outbreak.)

However, to be completely fair to the game, these are the only shoutout to far-leftist political ideology that I encountered in the game.

So my verdict to the question presented in the title of this post is: Yes, but only in the sense of three or four clear allusions to the ideology. Otherwise the game appears to be politics-free.
