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People OUTRAGED that the Covid-19 vaccines might cause myocarditis

There has been a recent surge of outrage online, especially on YouTube, about the fact that some of the Covid-19 vaccines have a small chance of causing myocarditis, and that the people pushing people to take these vaccines (eg. Fauci) are irresponsible criminals who should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Seriously, I don't know if I should laugh at this, or cry.

For starters, these people don't even know what "myocarditis" means. Most of them seem to believe it's some kind of lethal disease and that millions of people are dying from it, and thus are calling Fauci and the other doctors and vaccine manufacturers mass murderers.

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the muscles of the heart. While, rather obviously, no disease of the heart should ever be taken lightly, myocarditis is one of the most benign and least dangerous such diseases and in most cases it's easily treatable. On top of that, the vast, vast majority of reported cases of myocarditis caused by Covid-19 vaccines have been very mild.

It's not a disease that generally kills people. Heck, the flu has a higher chance of killing a person than myocarditis. (And, ironically, the flu, Covid-19 and many other infectious diseases have themselves a small chance of causing myocarditis. Obviously these people don't care.)

Secondly, these exact same people who are calling for these doctors and vaccine manufacturers to be burned at the stake have certainly taken copious amounts of medicine during their lives without ever reading the list of possible negative side-effects. In many cases even very commonly used and deemed-safe drugs may have a very small chance of very serious side-effects, much more serious than myocarditis.

But these people are not worried about those. They are worried about one of the possible side-effects of the Covid-19 vaccines, because that's what's popular now. They don't know nor understand that all drugs have possible side-effects, and many of them, even ones that are very commonly prescribed, can have side-effects that are much, much worse, and at rates much higher.

If they don't want to take the vaccine because they fear the possible side-effects, then fine. That's their prerogative. I just find it hilarious and hypocritical that these exact same people have no worries about taking myriads of other medicines without worrying about their side-effects, some of which are much worse and have a higher incidence rate. They only worry about this one because it's fashionable.
