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The English countryside is majority-white, and that's (apparently) a problem

In the last few years in Britain there have been appearing more and more articles and opinion pieces about the English countryside being populated mostly by white people, and how that, apparently, is some kind of problem.

What I love about most of these articles is that most often they don't even pretend to come up with some kind of excuse for why it's a bad thing (like for example that they "stole" the land from someone else, or the like). It's presented as a bad thing just because it is, all in itself. The country side is overwhelmingly majority-white, and that's it. That's the problem, and something has to be done about it. The authors of these articles don't even try to present any other excuse or rationalization.

But this is exactly what one of the core ideologies of the far left is: White people are bad just by existing, especially if they form a majority. That alone, all in itself, is the bad thing. No other reason needed. You don't even need to come up with some kind of rationale or explanation. Majority white population just is a bad thing, all in itself, period, no explanation needed.


  1. It's insanity. Can you imagine Nigerians complaining that there aren't enough white people, or the Japanese wringing their hands that they are too Japanese?


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