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The far left just can't help but be racists

Recently there was a small controversy related to a cosplay event and the winner of a cosplay contest.

You see, this yearly cosplay event was explicitly created for so-called "people of color", where only "people of color" are welcome, and "white people" are not (well, at least by implication). The problem is that since this cosplay event is organized in the United States and it's open to the public, by law they cannot discriminate against anybody based on their skin color (not yet, at least), and thus they have to allow "white people" to enter and participate, no matter how annoying they find that.

And no, this is not me (or someone else) just interpreting or reading between the lines. This is very clearly expressed in the tweets and other posts of people participating in the event, and even some people organizing it. They truly lament the fact that it's illegal for them to stop white people from participating in the event, because it's open to the public and they cannot discriminate by race.

So recently a controversy happened among this crowd, because of a young woman who won the latest cosplay contest. What caused the controversy? You might already guess: She was of the "wrong" race. In other words, she was "white".

And I'm not just referring to some random derogatory comments by random people on twitter. I'm talking about massive harassment and literal death threats.

This harassment and these death threats were not caused by anything this woman said, or did. The only reason she is (still currently, as of writing this) being the victim of this harassment is because she just happens to have the "wrong" skin tone.

One of the judges of the contest (a black woman) stepped in and made an official tweet explaining that officially the contest is open to everybody, and the judges only judge the costumes in a very neutral, unbiased and technical way, and they judged that this woman's costume was the best, and thus she deserved the victory. Her skin coloration played no role in any of this, and the judges and organizers are appalled at the fact that she's receiving death threats.

That's extraordinarily commendable, and has to be applauded.

However, one small thing marred that otherwise perfect response. She wrote in the tweet, and I quote: "yes, I would have preferred the winner to be black."

While I otherwise commend and applaud her neutrality and unbiased approach to judging such a contest, that racist remark mars it quite a lot. Such racism has no place in a modern free equal society.

Yet, such racism is par for the course in current far leftist ideology. And it's only escalating, and nobody is stopping it.

Expect it to become worse and worse.
