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How you know that "preferred pronouns" are not about respect

When questioned why it's so important to use people's "preferred pronouns", the far leftists will argue that it's about "respect". You see, it's very offensive and hurtful to use the "wrong" pronouns when referring to someone. We should be respectful and think about their feelings. It can cause a huge crippling trauma if you don't use the correct pronouns, you see.

How do we know that all this "respect" argument is complete bullshit, it's just an excuse, and enforcing "preferred pronouns" has absolutely nothing to do with "respect"?

By the fact that whenever a convicted rapist claims that he's actually a "woman" (in order to get to women's prisons, where they will have an easier time and less likely to be beaten up by other prisoners), the far-leftists will still be adamant about respecting his "preferred pronouns", and will cancel and assault you if you use the wrong ones.

Why would a convicted rapist of women deserve any kind of respect? Even according to far leftists a man raping a woman is one of the biggest crimes that exists. Why would such a despicable monster deserve any respect? In fact, why should such a man get (what effectively amounts to) a lighter sentence, by simply claiming that he's a "woman"? Why should we respect the claims of such a monster?

The fact is that enforcing "preferred pronouns" has absolutely nothing to do with respect. It's about controlling your speech, about controlling society. When they can dictate what words you can't and must use, they exert power and control over you.

It's not about respect. It's about power and control.
