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Predictions for the near future part 27

A viral video which got millions of views was published a bit ago of some black man expressing extremely racist rhetoric at a 2-3 year old white toddler who was traveling with his family in a New York subway. The man called the toddler racial epithets, as well as stating how he is superior because he's black. And he was clearly not just some random drug-addict junkie because he was well dressed and spoke using quite high-level academic terminology (that looked like directly from the depths of some university).

Unsurprisingly, nobody intervened, nobody even knows who the man is, the mainstream media has been completely silent about the event, and there has not been any sort of outrage. Just imagine if the races had been reversed, with a white man spouting racial epithets at a small black toddler and saying how he is superior because he's white. The man would have probably been lynched by now, and the mainstream media would talk about nothing else, and probably Democrat politicians would still be giving fiery speeches about it to this day.

They say that there is systemic racism in the United States. This video clearly shows that's indeed the case, but it's in the reverse direction than they claim: Black people are completely protected by the system, the mainstream media and the public by large, even when they exhibit extraordinarily racist behavior towards a small child. White people would never, in a million years, get away with such a thing.

So my prediction for the near future is quite easy to make:

This is only going to escalate. They are already getting away with and protected by the system when they publicly exhibit extraordinarily racist rhetoric. This will only encourage them to become bolder and bolder as time passes. As they test the boundaries of what they are and aren't allowed to do, pushing those boundaries further and further into more and more extreme levels, and they see that they can do it with complete impunity, it's easy to predict what will happen in the near future: Racist rhetoric will become more and more widespread, more and more egregious, and eventually more and more violent, very much including physical violence.

It's only a matter of time before physical assaults by black people against white people, even children, will become commonplace.
