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Is Trump the most politically persecuted person in history?

Political persecution of people has existed since as long as there has been any sort of government and politics in human societies. It is, quite naturally, extremely common (so common as to be pretty much expected) in dictatorships, military juntas, and other types of totalitarian regimes. Sadly, it's also quite common in modern free democratic constitutional countries, even though in theory that shouldn't happen. While the means by which people are politically persecuted may be slightly different in them, the fact is that it's extremely common. Dissenters, wrongthinkers, "troublemakers" and other personae non gratae are commonly politically persecuted even in the least corrupt free democratic countries in the world.

Yes, it does happen in pretty much all countries, even the most peaceful and least corrupt ones. Take Finland, for example, which is regularly ranked among the freest and least corrupt countries in the world. While perhaps not extraordinarily common, there still are concrete examples of people, especially politicians, being politically persecuted for having the "wrong" opinions (which in today's world, unsurprisingly, means having so-called "right-wing" opinions) and being too popular among the people. The persecution may be relatively minor, comparatively speaking (ie. compared to the worst persecution in the world), but it still exists.

Let's consider the absolutely massive political persecution of Donald Trump, which he has been the subject of since at least 2016 or even 2015, after he announced that he's running for President and became a popular candidate.

I would posit that, at least using some metrics, he might be the most politically persecuted individual person in the history of humanity, at least if we are talking about a free democratic constitutional country.

There are most probably people from history (and perhaps even living today) that have been politically persecuted for much longer than him. However, I would surmise that those people are either persecuted in totalitarian regimes or, even if they are being persecuted in a free democratic country, the sheer amount of governmental time and resources put into it pales in comparison.

Most often political persecution of an individual person, by some governmental entity, happens by a very small number of people in government. Some state prosecutor might be set on harassing someone, or some small governmental entity might be doing so.

But consider that at least half of the United States Congress, plus a number of major governmental agencies (such as the FBI), have been spending an incredible amount of time, resources and tax-payer money in order to persecute and harass Donald Trump, non-stop, for the last 6+ years. They have been on a non-stop quest to try to find and pin any crime they can on him, doesn't matter how big or small it is. They do not care whether he has actually committed any crimes, nor do they care about the severity of any crimes that he might have committed, they are only interested in persecuting and punishing him, removing him from office (when he was still there), and stopping him from being elected. They have engaged in an incredible amount of corruption and manipulation in order to try to do so.

So, using the metric of "political persecution by the government of a free democratic constitutional country", the amount of people in government doing so, the amount of corruption these people having engaged in order to do so, and the sheer amount of time, resources and tax-payer money spent doing so, I would argue that, in the context of these parameters, Donald Trump might well be the most politically persecuted person in the history of humanity.

And the most astonishing thing about it is that Donald Trump hasn't even done anything to deserve the political persecution. He hasn't even expressed any opinion that's not common among the conservatives and the Republican party, and has been for a very long time. The far left built a completely fictitious "dictator" out of him, by just keeping repeating the same lies over and over until almost the entire world started believing them. These lies and distortions have become "facts" via sheer repetition, and a good portion of humanity just believes them wholesale, and the Democratic Party is using these lies in order to politically persecute him.

It doesn't make much sense, really. Usually when people are heavily politically persecuted, they have done or said something to warrant that persecution (at least from the perspective of the people persecuting that person). In this case, however, the far left just invented a non-existent reason, and just keep coming up with new reasons all the time.
