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Also UFO believers love d**k sucking

I wrote in an earlier blog post that in my experience there are mainly two types of YouTube videos where the comment section contains boatloads of comments saying nothing other than thanking the author for making the video. Just a "thank you for making this video" (or a close variant) and pretty much nothing else. These two types are creationist/flatearther videos, and videos made by far-leftist SJWs.

I also mentioned a third type, psychology videos that offer help to the viewers, but I don't count these because in this situation the "thank you" comments are reasonable and make sense, and are most certainly not a form of "dick sucking".

However, I have recently noticed a genuine third form of video content that seems to elicit such comments. Perhaps not in the sheer amounts as those other two, but in great quantities nevertheless.

Namely, someone making a well-crafted video talking uncritically about the "UFO evidence" put forward by the US military.

It's rather curious and telling that if such a video is a critical video that debunks the claims and gives the actual explanations, the comment section may be majority supportive but it won't be full of "thank you for making this video" (and nothing else) comments.

However, when the video is uncritical and supports the claims that they are "genuine UFOs" and "extraterrestrials", the comment section tends to be full of such comments.

I think this tells something about the psychology and mentality of the people supporting each perspective.
