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The big (and dangerous) irony of calling everything "white supremacy"

Given the absolute extremism and over-reacting of the modern far-left to everything, which is full of distortions, exaggerations and outright lies and fabrications (including numerous hoaxes), it's very easy to succumb to the thought that there is absolutely no basis to anything that they are saying.

For example, the far left, especially in the United States, has been for many years now claiming that racist crimes are completely rampant in the country, they are a daily occurrence, they happen all the time, and that no non-white person is safe. Yet, they have very little evidence to show for it. And there have been numerous proven hoaxes of "racist hate crimes" that were actually staged by non-white leftists (such as numerous examples of "racist" graffittis painted on some wall of some university. Ironically, while there are many such instances, I am not aware of a single one, not one, that was actually genuine. Every single one has been proven to be a hoax perpetrated by leftist activists. Nobody genuinely graffittis racist messages on the walls of universities.)

One would think that if racist crimes are indeed so prevalent, they happen all the time, it's a daily occurrence, that they could give us thousands and thousands of examples, of news articles, police reports, video footage, anything. Yet, they seem quite incapable of that. Whenever such a racist crime actually happens once in a blue moon, they rabidly cling to it and parade it around as the "proof" that it happens all the time. Curiously, everybody always uses that one and same instance as the "proof" that there are thousands of examples.

Anyway, for a few years now the far left, especially in the United States (and, unfortunately, to an increasing level in other countries, as their ideology spreads like a cancer) has been calling pretty much everything "white supremacy". It has gotten to absolutely ridiculous levels. Math education is "white supremacy". Being on time is "white supremacy". Working hard to achieve your goals is "white supremacy". Keeping pets is "white supremacy". Pretty much anything you can think of is "white supremacy" to them.

The irony, and danger, in this is that this kind of widespread attitude only helps actual white supremacists, it doesn't fight against them.

Actual bona fide white supremacists do actually exist. That's just a fact. You can quite easily find them online (even though major tech corporations have been trying their best to hide them). People who genuinely believe that the white race is separate from and superior to other races. People who seriously and genuinely believe that the Holocaust never happened and is just a big hoax and fabrication. People who admire Adolf Hitler and his Nazi politics. People who seriously think and claim that Jews are evil and control the world and are in a huge world-wide conspiracy to destroy everything and take over, and are behind pretty much everything bad that's happening. People who think that white people should dominate over other people, and who should be kept "pure" by only reproducing with other white people, and who think that white people who marry non-white people are race traitors.

These people do exist in droves. And not just some trolls who say such things for the shock value or just for fun. People who genuinely believe and preach these things.

Do they have the right to hold these opinions? Yes. Do they have the right to express these opinions publicly, to anybody who wants to listen to them? Yes. Should anybody who wants to listen to them be able to do so without impediment and gatekeeping? Yes. Should these people gain power in society? Absolutely not! They can have and express their opinions freely, but they should be ignored by people when they try to gain power (eg. in democratic elections).

However, the problem with the far left calling everything "white supremacy" is that it waters down the entire concept and makes people less wary of the existence of actual white supremacy. When everything is "white supremacy", then nothing is. It's the "crying wolf" effect: When you shout "white supremacy!" about every little thing, people get tired of it, become apathetic about it, and start ignoring it.

Thus, that one time when someone shouts "white supremacy!" and "Nazis!" about an actual instance of such people, nobody listens. "Yeah yeah, you say that about everything. Shut up already."

So, ironically, the far left screaming "white supremacy!" at every little thing actually helps the actual white supremacists. It doesn't combat them. It helps them blend in and not be noticed nor taken so seriously.
