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The scary thing about SJW tactics is that they work even on anti-SJWs

I have written many, many times before about how the fight against the extreme social justice left seems to be a completely lost cause because their opposition, the anti-SJWs, cannot organize, are too weak, and give up way too easily, while the SJWs are too organized, too methodical, have the larger numbers, and never, ever give up. (Latest blog post on this subject here.)

In later years I have also notice another rather worrying trend among anti-SJWs, even the most vocal and dedicated ones. The ones who are constantly eg. making videos criticizing the latest craziness of the "woke left", and speak the loudest against it.

And this trend is that of succumbing to the compelled speech demands that the far left has been pushing for many years now. This is not the case with every single big-name anti-SJW, but it seems to be the case with many of them.

In other words, more and more of these people have started using the new speech codes of the far left, the new vocabulary, the new demanded words.

As an example, I have noticed more and more anti-SJWs using the pronoun "they" when referring to someone, even when it's 100% clear whether that someone is a man or a woman. Most particularly, I have seen more and more instances of anti-SJWs referring to someone as "they" when that someone is a radical leftist who claims to be "non-binary", or any of the other bullshit buzzwords.

Likewise I have noticed that they are "respecting" even extremely radical and obnoxious far-leftist ideologues with their "preferred pronouns" when those people have claimed to be the opposite sex of what they actually are. I have seen staunch anti-SJWs refer to a (far-leftist radical activist) man as "she" because he claims to be a woman.

I have also, for quite long, seen many vocal anti-SJWs use far-leftist neologisms, such as "cis", or even "cis-gendered", in a straightforward serious manner (ie. in its actual intended usage, rather than eg. in a metaconversation discussing the term itself, or criticizing the term).

Slowly but surely this seems to be becoming more and more common. Even the strongest opponents of the extremist left are adopting their vocabulary, their compelled speech codes, and succumbing to their demands for compelled and forbidden speech.

I think that this is yet another sign that the far left is winning, and their opposition is losing. The far left is succeeding in their psychological manipulation even when it comes to their strongest opponents, slowly but surely. When you control someone's speech, you will eventually control someone's life.
