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The racism of the far left has to stop

The zealotry, bigotry, fundamentalism, extremist attitudes, sexism and outright blatant racism of the far left in the western world, especially in the United States, has been escalating and escalating at an ever-increasing rate with no end in sight. And the problem is that they are getting away with their ever-more-blatant racism more and more, at a larger and larger scale, with little to no repercussions.

Think of the extraordinarily extreme racist attitudes in the United States in the first half of the 1900's. Think of the worst and most egregious examples that you can think of. Of the attitudes, the rhetoric, the prevailing ideology and ideas among the most racist people who ever lived in the country.

As incredible as it sounds, the racism and racist rhetoric of the current far left has reached and sometimes even surpassed that. There seems to be no limit to how far they are willing to go, and how overtly blatant they are willing to be about it.

By this point, almost not a single day passes by without yet another academic, professor, or professional in some prestigious or powerful position, spouting something astonishingly racist. Such as that one psychologist who openly and unashamedly talked about how she fantasizes about mass-murdering all white people. Or that other academic who wrote an article about white people and whiteness being a disease akin to psycopathy, and how all white people, every single one of them, regardless of who they are, where they were born, where they live, or what they have done, being psychopaths, for the mere reason or the color of their skin.

Almost not a single day passes by without some "journalistic" mainstream media publication publishing an article or a video about how all white people are racist, or how horrible all white people are, or white people confessing their sinful and horrible nature, or black people openly showing expressions of disgust at even the idea of being friends with white people, or having to deal with white people, and claiming that being just in the presence of white people is dangerous and scary to them.

Those are just some of the most prominent examples. The examples are becoming more and more blatant, and more and more numerous, by the day.

The problem with this kind of rhetoric is that it's extraordinarily dangerous: It makes people hate, detest and loathe each other. It dehumanizes people. It riles people against each other, based on the color of their skin. It makes people afraid of other people because of their skin, and thus they become scared, fearful and extremely hateful and resentful.

Fear, prejudice, hatred and resentment quite quickly turns into violence. The monsters must be defeated. People need to defend themselves against the monsters with pre-emptive attacks. All people of that particular skin color are subhuman and dangerous, and must be disposed of.

This is not just hypothetical. Violence has already escalated to astonishing levels during the past years. When 10 years ago the far left was content in just making noises and physically block people's path, nowadays they will very eagerly physically assault people. By this point, thousands and thousands of people are being assaulted every year. Property is being vandalized, destroyed, burned down and looted. Billions and billions of dollars in damage.

In fact, outright murdering people is already starting to escalate. There have already been cases where a white person has been directly and blatantly murdered, even though he wasn't doing anything at all and wasn't involved in anything, his only sin being the color of his skin.

It's only a matter of time before it starts escalating to significant levels.

And the scary thing is that nothing is being done about this. It's not going to end well.
