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Spanish gender violence laws are a travesty, and nobody is talking about it

For years and years YouTube and other online websites have been full of criticism of the regressive regressive social justice feminist ideology, and how it's trying to create a totalitarian system where the justice system and the principle of due process is completely bypassed, and any accusation made by a woman against a man results in an automatic sentence, no questions asked.

In most of the world this has so far been just theoretical. Something that they want, but haven't yet succeeded in doing.

Most of the world. I did not use that word accidentally. That's because this exact situation has been the case in Spain since 2004, when a new government passed absolutely and incredibly draconian laws to combat "gender violence". These laws are literally and without exaggeration so draconian that even the Chinese and North Korean governments would be ashamed of doing it.

In Spain, a woman has to simply call the police and accuse her spouse of maltreatment, and the police will arrive and take the man to prison. Yes, literally to prison. No questions asked, no investigation, no interrogation. Nothing. The woman makes the accusation, the man goes to jail, to wait for a trial. There is no investigation or questioning of any kind.

When the man finally gets to court, it's pretty much in essence a kangaroo court. I kid you not, but the man is considered guilty by default, and he has to prove his innocence. Which, on top of it all, is made extraordinarily hard by the fact that most judges will not listen to the man or his lawyer, and in many cases will even stop either from speaking or presenting any evidence, as has been the case many times. I wish I was making this stuff up.

In the extremely rare and unlikely case, thanks perhaps to a slightly more reasonable judge, that the man can indeed prove his innocence, and that the accusation was completely false, there are zero repercussions to the woman who made the false accusation.

The system is literally and deliberately built like that. The woman is deliberately not accused of anything, even if it's proven with complete certainty that she lied and made a false accusation. I'm not making that up either. The rationale behind this system is precisely what you hear feminists in the United States spout every time a woman there is proven to have been made a false accusation: These women should not be punished in order to not deter real victims from coming forward. Women are completely free to make any false accusations about having been victims of violence they want, and the legal system will not punish them. By design.

Some innocent Spanish men have committed suicide due to the ensuing ostracization by their surrounding community, even though they haven't done anything wrong, and even though they were one of the rare ones who were found not guilty by the courts. The mere accusation is enough to ruin their lives.

Since 2004, when the law was passed, there has been a massive amount of protests, both from men and women, especially the mothers of these falsely accused men, but also many others. To no avail.

You can find details about all this for example in this documentary on YouTube.

There's another example here, although in Spanish. This is an interview with a female lawyer who has been fighting this law and defending accused men since almost the very beginning. In the video, among many other things, she tells many horror stories that she has herself directly witnessed in her role as a lawyer and activist. In one example, for instance, she recounts the story of a man who was beaten by his wife to such an extent that he ended in the hospital, with severe wounds, and it was him who got sentenced for violence, not the wife. The wife got no punishment of any kind. After the verdict, this lawyer asked the (female) judge if she thought this was justice. She says that the judge told her "no, it's not just, but it's the law".

Spain has implemented, since 2004, exactly what feminists want to implement everywhere else. To its full gruesome extent.

What baffles me is that almost nobody outside of Spain is talking about it. You look at all the big YouTuber celebrities who are anti-feminist, anti-SJW, like Paul Joseph Watson, or Sargon of Akkad, or any of the other really big names, and for as long as I have watched any of their videos, not a single mention of this situation in Spain. Nothing. (If any of them has made a video about this, I haven't seen it.)

One would think that they would be regularly making videos about this, to raise awareness and to inform about any developments. But no. Nothing.
