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Catholics vs. Native Americans, how the media creates false narratives

There was an incident recently that has been causing, once again, an outrage online. This is what actually happened, as seen in a 2-hour stream:

A student group of a Catholic school in the United States, members of some kind of conservative student club, were hanging out at a public place, waiting for some kind of transport to arrive. Many of the students were wearing MAGA hats.

Near to them there was a group of Christian ultra-religious black people, some kind of street preachers, completely unrelated to the school or the students, apparently preaching to these students about their view of the Bible. The preachers and the students were engaged in discussion about their religious views. At points these street preachers were expressing deeply anti-homosexual religious views, while the students were (perhaps ironically) countering their points (with things like "gays are human too").

At some point, something 1-2 hours into the stream, out of nowhere there appeared a group of Native Americans, playing some drums and singing some kind of protest songs. It's unclear whether these Native Americans were somehow related to those street preachers, but seemingly they were just a completely independent third group that had nothing to do with either of these two. The Native Americans can be heard on the stream commenting about the MAGA hats. The group went towards the student group, between them and the street preachers, and started singing their protest song to them, standing very close to them. The student group was at that moment chanting and singing something that was traditional to their club, and there seemed to be some confusion about what exactly the Native Americans were doing. (In a letter to the press sent after the event, the students said that at first they thought that the Native Americans had joined them in their chants. Only after a minute or so did it become clearer that they were actually engaging in some kind of protest.)

After about two minutes of this, all three groups went their own way. There was no altercation, no harassment, no ill will. Just some confusion about what exactly the Native Americans were doing or what they were trying to convey. After the fact it seems that the Native Americans were in some kind of protest march, and went to the student group to protest them, when they saw the MAGA hats. (According to the letter sent by the students to the press, the students themselves had no idea at that moment what the Native Americans were doing.)

How did the mainstream media portray this incident?

Someone took small portions of the stream, from the part where the Native Americans were standing really close to the students, and made up a completely fictitious story about it: According to this person, the Native Americans were minding their own business, engaging in some kind of protest by singing protest songs, when a group of right-wing Trump supporters approached them, surrounded them, and started harassing them and shouting insults at them, and shouting things like "build the wall!" (none of which happened in the stream, not even the part that was extracted for this story). This person built a false narrative where it was the students wearing MAGA hats who approached the group of Native Americans to bully them, rather than the other way around.

The mainstream media, of course, repeated this narrative with zero fact-checking, and created huge headlines about a group of Trump supporters seeking and harassing a group of Native Americans. The main picture used in these news stories was a screenshot where one of the Native Americans is standing very close to a student who is wearing a MAGA hat and smiling (giving the strong impression that the student is mocking the Native.)

And, of course, the regressive left swallowed the narrative. Like always, and unsurprisingly, a massive online harassment campaign ensued, with people sending them threats and wanting them to be expelled. Even though the students did absolutely nothing wrong, which becomes apparent in the original stream.

Consider, for example, this tweet by a celebrity musician:

And yes, the boy who this Wheeler Walker Jr person is inciting violence against is an underage teenager. This is the world we have become, where adult men are directly inciting violence against underage kids.

As of writing this, he has received no consequences for inciting violence against a teenage boy. His Twitter account is still up and active. Twitter has done nothing.

Moreover, no mainstream media outlet has experienced, nor will ever experience, any consequences for slandering and inciting violence against some teenage students who did nothing wrong. The majority of regressive leftists will never believe anything else than the false narrative (and will, on the contrary, refuse to believe the actual facts), and there's a very high probability that the lives of those students will be ruined, even though they didn't do anything wrong. The person who created the original false narrative full of lies, will probably never face any consequences.

Is this really the world we want to live in?
