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YouTube is engaging in unethical and perhaps even illegal practises

Imagine that you were to do a bank transfer for some amount of money to a friend, because your friend needs that money, or whatever the reason, and you write a message in the transfer as the reason for it (as is supported by most banking systems). And now imagine that the bank doesn't like what you wrote, and decides to take that money and instead of transferring it to your friend, or even just refusing to do the transfer... they instead take the money and donate it to a charity. Without even notifying you.

Or imagine another similar entity, like PayPal, or MoneyGram, doing the same. They don't like what you wrote, and thus they take your money and give it to someone else, rather than the intended recipient.

I believe that this would legally be considered theft. The bank, or the company such as PayPal, would be literally robbing your money and giving it to somebody else than the intended recipient, without your knowledge or consent.

Well, it appears that YouTube is intending to do (or might even already be doing) exactly this.

In their eternal quest to stifle, censor, shut down and kill the livelihood of anybody spouting what they deem "hate speech", the regressive leftist ideology is implementing more and more technical (and sometimes legal) measures to do so. If there's one thing that they absolutely abhor is people spouting "wrongthink" and getting money for it. Obviously all ad revenue must be cut off from these undesirables. Crowd funding must be banned from them as well. And even direct donations must be stopped. By any means necessary.

This is from a hit piece article attacking "right wing extremist" (which of course in regressive leftist vocabulary means "anybody who disagrees with us"):
"YouTube is an open platform where anyone can choose to post videos to a global audience, subject to our community guidelines, which we enforce rigorously," said a YouTube spokeswoman.

The company has tightened the rules for which channels have access to monetisation features and deployed machine learning technology to identify hate speech in comment features, the spokeswoman added. If a user is caught sending abusive Super Chats, the revenus received will be donated to charity instead of being split between YouTube and the channel's creator.
So, in other words, if you send a Super Chat message, which costs money, to a YouTube livestream, intending for that money to go to the author of the stream, and YouTube doesn't like what you write, they will steal your money and give it to some third party instead, without your knowledge or consent.

How this is even considered legal is beyond me. This is robbery in its purest form. Not even a bank could get away with this.
