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"Debunking The Most Common Myths White People Tell About Race"

It's actually hard to believe that a mere 5-or-so years ago people saying "all white people are racist, every single one of them" were a completely fringe minority of nobodies, generally considered as zealots and lunatics, and dismissed as such... while in this day and age we have major news corporations writing articles and creating videos with people openly, directly and blatantly saying things like "white people are the most destructive force in the world" (yes, exact quote, told in complete seriousness), and all kinds of things that amount to "all white people are racist, even if they don't think they are" (as well as, of course, "only white people can be racist", and "white people cannot be the victims of racism.")

Consider, for example, this recent video: "Debunking The Most Common Myths White People Tell About Race".

Is the author of the video some random nobody on the internet? Nope. It's NBC News, the main news division of one of the biggest broadcasting corporations in the world (and a subsidiary of Comcast, the second-largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world).

Every single point she makes is so laughable that I don't think it needs much commentary, so I'll just comment relatively briefly on the most obnoxious things, and concentrate on the more fundamental ideology she's spouting:

Firstly: "To be white, is to be raised functually illiterate on the topic of race."

"Functually illiterate"... The amount of irony is just mind-boggling. (Yes, I checked. No online dictionary knows the word "functually". It's not a word of the English language.)

But now, the next thing she says is quite profound: "I am white, and part of being white is that I was not raised to see myself in racial terms. I mean I understood that somebody had race, but not really me. To be white is to see oneself outside outside of race. To see oneself as a unique special individual, exempt from the forces of socialization."

She is quite literally saying that she was raised to not be a racist. To not consider race to be any sort of important factor that defines people. Raised as an individual, not as part of some racial group. Race doesn't matter.

One would think that this is, in fact, the absolute ideal. Yet in this context she is presenting this as a negative thing. Something to be changed and corrected. Race being inconsequential, people being raised as unique individuals, not as members of a particular race, is a negative undesirable thing.

Well, she was perhaps raised to not be a racist, and to not generalize and judge people based on race, but she certainly has "corrected" that bad habit and made herself into a racist who sees everything in terms of race, as becomes evident from the rest of the video. She is obsessed with race. When she sees a person, the first and foremost thing she sees is that person's race, and pre-judges people based on it. She doesn't see individuals. She sees only race. And she has deliberately and consciously conditioned herself to do so. In other words, she has purposefully and deliberately made herself into a racist.

On that note, the first "myth" she "debunks" is the common expression: "I don't see color."

Like all "progressive" social justice warriors, she refuses to understand and acknowledge what people mean when they see "I don't see color". That expression is literally a synonym for "I treat people equally regardless of what their skin pigmentation might happen to be." No more, no less. Which is, of course, how it should be. Instead, she chooses to insert her own interpretation of the expression, to mean things like "I refuse to acknowledge your race and what you have experienced."

Hilariously, she doesn't have any rational counter-argument for "I have black friends." She literally equates friendship with "proximity". As in being in the proximity of black people. I'm not making that up.

Another deeply telling thing she says, when responding about something about "class": "You cannot talk about any other issue without talking about how race informs that issue. And when someone says it's about class, that tends to function as a way to get race off the table."

As said earlier, she literally wants to see race in every single social issue, no matter what it is. She cannot, and does not want to, see anything in any other way than as a racial issue. To her, race is everything, and every single social issue must be viewed through the lens of race. Any attempt to point out that something is not related to race is dismissed as "a way to get race off the table".

She is literally obsessed with race, and cannot see anything else.

She just hammers on that very subject: "Focusing on race is not what did it. I would say that not focusing on race, refusing to grapple with how race shapes virtually everything is what keeps us divided."

"Race shapes virtually everything." Everything. She is literally obsessed with race, and cannot see anything but race in everything and all things.

It actually sounds like race is her religion. She sounds like a deeply devout religious zealot who can't see anything but through the lens of her religion.

Just look at this: "The challenge I want to offer my fellow white people is changing the question from "if" to "how". So dominant culture asks "if I'm racist", and I want to change that question to "how I have been shaped by the forces of racism. How is racism manifesting in my life." Because it circulates 24/7, 365. None of us can be and none of us are exempt from its forces."

She is literally talking about racism as some kind of "force", like a deeply religious fundamental Christian would talk about Satan and the powers of evil which surround us everywhere at every given moment.

And, of course, that "I want to change the question from if to how" implies that every single white person is a racist. It's not a question of "if I'm racist", but "how".

She thinks she is a racist, by the very fact that she's white. Well, she's 100% correct in one thing: She indeed is a racist. She is deeply, deeply racist. Race and racism is quite literally her religion (it might not be a theistic religion, but it has all the other hallmarks of a religion.) Her mind is not only deeply entrenched in racism, but it's deliberately and purposefully so. She's more racist than the worst kind of redneck racist you could think of. (Most rednecks don't obsess about race as much as she does, nor see race everywhere and in everything.)

Luckily for us, and for the world, she is in a small minority of people who are racist. (But she's certainly trying her hardest to change that.)
