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The real reason why men "manspread"

"Manspreading" is one of the most ridiculous "problems" that modern feminism has ever complained about: Men sitting with their legs spread, to a larger or lesser extent (supposedly taking space away from others eg. in a train).

But why do the majority of men instinctively spread their legs when they are sitting? And yes, it's instinct. They don't do it because they are greedy, or assholes, or showing their manliness, or anything like that.

Curiously, even men don't know the real reason. They always talk about "muh balls" and whatever, but that's not the reason. (Seriously, just sit with your legs closed. No, you aren't going to crush your balls. You aren't going to hurt yourself.)

The actual reason is that men have narrower hips than women. This is a question of stability. Women are much more stable when sitting without having to spread their legs, because they have wider hips. Men sitting with their legs together is a less stable position. If you sit eg. in a train with your legs together, your stance will be stabler if you are a wide-hipped woman than a narrow-hipped man.

That is the reason why most men instinctively spread their legs when sitting: It gives them a stabler sitting position. They don't lose their balance so easily when sitting, because now their upper thighs are effectively widening their sitting area, compensating for the narrower hips. This is especially true if sitting on an unstable surface, such as the seat of a moving vehicle. (Of course the feet being on the floor more at the sides helps as well.)

It's curious how many things we do instinctively that we actually don't know the real reason for.
