Having seen lots and lots (way too many) videos showing American far-leftists throwing temper tantrums, I have noticed somewhat of a curious pattern: Cross-dressing far-leftist men who "identify" as women tend to be extremely aggressive and often act in a very exaggerated hostile manly manner, while far-leftist men who "identify" as men tend to act like stereotypical women, ie. they are very meek and emotionally fragile. Not all of them, of course, but it seems to me to be a very common trend.
In other words, leftist men (especially in America) are like their own opposites: If they "identify" as men, they behave like woman stereotypes, and if they "identify" as women, they act like man stereotypes.
That's how you get so many videos of cross-dressing men (who "identify as women") screaming at and assaulting people they don't like, and "normal" leftist men crying in front of the camera because their political candidate didn't win.
I think this isn't actually coincidence or happenstance. I think there's a reason behind this.
You see, not only western society as a whole, but the American far left in particular has been inculcating and pushing into society this notion that "toxic masculinity" is a horrible thing, and that men shouldn't be afraid to show emotion, and how they have been raised to suppress their emotions, and yada yada (in other words, they seem to genuinely think that men are actually just like women, and that it's only their environment that has made them not to be.)
Thus, when a man has been inculcated and indoctrinated into the American far-leftist cult, he does his best to try to follow this doctrine, and thus makes himself emotionally fragile and starts emotionally over-reacting to everything, and does this so much and for so long that it becomes a second nature to him. In other words, learned emotional fragility and incontinence.
However, when such a man decides that he is "trans" and that he "identifies as a woman", and starts cross-dressing as a woman, that fact liberates him from that "toxic masculinity is bad" burden. After all, he is "not a man" anymore, he is "a woman", and thus the duty of suppressing his "toxic masculinity" doesn't apply to him anymore. Thus, he's free to be as masculine as he likes, without remorse, without his conscience rebuking him for his aggressive manly behavior and attitudes.
And, thus, the pendulum swings to the other absolute extreme, and he becomes the stereotype that leftist men are supposed to avoid, ie. extremely angry and aggressive, with a hair-trigger temper, who will lash out and even become physical against anybody he doesn't like. After all, he feels completely free to do so because he is "not a man" anymore, and thus the "rules for men" don't apply to him anymore, so he can just let it all out freely and without remorse.
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