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Pondering about male SJW demographics

Huge disclaimer: The sample size I'm basing the opinions below is extraordinarily small, nebulous and subjective, and none of this is based on any sort of study or statistics or anything of the sort, and it's all just my personal guesswork based on a few patterns I have noticed.

The patterns I am referring to in particular are the kind of men who, according to what I have observed, tend to be more of the feminist / social justice persuasion, versus those who tend to be more skeptical (or even staunchly opposing).

This idea came to my mind because I have been watching several graphical artists on YouTube, and I suddenly noticed that every single one of them seems to at the very least given subtle hints of being at a very minimum slightly "blue-pilled", ie. sympathetical to social justice ideology tenets and premises. This might be completely coincidental (as stated, my sample size is extremely small), and in some cases I may have completely misinterpreted these subtle hints, but nevertheless I have the impression that all of those male artists making YouTube videos seem to be at a very minimum leaning towards the social justice ideology, if not outright SJW ideologues.

This, in turn, got me thinking about how many famous male actors do you know that are not extreme leftists, and openly critical of the leftist social justice narrative. There might be a few out there, but they seem to be extraordinarily rare. Especially in the United States almost the entirety of Hollywood seems to be extremely left-leaning (and for the looks of it extremely intolerant to anybody among their ranks who is even slightly more towards the center and does not toe the party line.)

Curiously, this doesn't seem to be the case with all forms of performing arts. Most particularly, anti-SJW sentiments seem to be surprisingly common among male stand-up comedians. (Of course there are always exceptions in all these groups, but there nevertheless seem to exist a relatively common trend.)

If I think of the opposing side, the vocal staunch anti-SJW critics, I can't remember a single one that has shown any sort of artistic talent or hobby, like drawing, painting, music, acting, etc. Most of them seem to be either regular workers doing a physical job, or very technically adept and learned (such as electrical engineers, programmers and even outright scientific researchers). A couple of them are journalists (and don't seem to have any other job, and I don't know their personal hobbies).

I'm just wondering if there's some kind of correlation here.

It is known that males tend to be more interested in technical subjects and females tend to be more interested in people (and several studies have shown that this is actually directly related to the amount of testosterone production during childhood. The more testosterone, the less of a "people person" the boy tends to be, the less empathetic, and the more interested in technical subjects. And vice-versa.)

I am wondering if artistic interest and talent might be correlated to the level of masculinity (ie. ultimately testosterone levels) of a person, and whether it also directly correlates to how readily the person is convinced by the social justice ideology.

By this I do not mean that male artists are effeminate, because from what I have seen they don't tend to be (at least not visibly and overtly so). But there may nevertheless be some kind of correlation between the amount of "masculinity" (ie. testosterone production) and the interest in both arts and social justice ideology. The more of a "people person" you are, the more empathetic you are, ie. the more of a "feminine brain" you have, the more you are interested in things like graphical arts, and thus also the more inclined you are towards being convinced by the social justice narrative.

Stand-up comedy seems to be an exception to this rule. It may indicate that comedy requires a more technical-minded person (and might explain why there are so few good female comedians, compared to the amount of male comedians).

(There are of course tons of counter-examples in the other direction in academia as well, with boatloads of professors, academics, researchers and scientists being vocal and rabid SJWs, but this might be more related to their environment. After all, the indoctrination in universities is extremely strong and ferocious, and the attitudes towards dissenters extremely fascistic and totalitarian. Anybody who shows any kind of dissent is furiously intimidated and harassed, and quickly cast out. I think due to these circumstances these particular groups of people probably can't be used to estimate the norm, as they would skew the statistics.)
