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The war on the concept of family is starting

In my predictions for the near future part 17 I predicted that the social justice ideologues, because they hate everything that's traditional and part of culture, will soon start, among other things, advocating for the eradication of the concept of "family".

Quite soon after that, the first example arose, of some feminist advocating exactly that.

"Well," one might have thought, "that's just the opinion of one single feminist. Who cares? She's just some random wacko."

Well, it's not just the opinion of an absolutely fringe minority. Consider, for example, this recent article at, openly and directly advocating for the very same thing:

The coronavirus crisis shows it's time to abolish the family

Consider, for example, this gem in that article:
And thirdly, even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us. It norms us for productive work. It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’
Social justice ideologues are collectivists. They hate individuality. What a wonderful open admission.

This is only going to become worse and worse, as long as these communist social justice ideologues are allowed to run universities and by extension the entire society.
