When it comes to political opinions, in the modern world it's not easy to be a moderate centrist. You will be attacked by both extremes, and accused of being a member of the opposite extreme. Almost hilariously, I was accused of both being a regressive leftist social justice warrior, and a right-wing nutjob, in the comment section of the same YouTube video, on different comment threads. The video in question was a news piece about gang violence by recent immigrants in certain parts of Australia. Rooting for stronger enforcement of immigration laws and deportation of criminal non-citizens, while at the same time opposing the idea that guns are the magical solution to all problems, will get you labeled as both extreme left and extreme right, by the opposite extreme. You can't win. I feel that the question of the problem of climate change is another similar situation: Being a moderate rational centrist will get you labeled as an extremist by the opposite extreme. My position...