For years the regressive left has been engaging in a whitewashing campaign about Islam. Muslims in general, and many Islamic scholars in particular, especially the extremists, are happy to play along, and repeat all the same mantras as the regressive leftists (who know absolutely nothing about Islam).
However, there are many well-known facts about Islam that they simply want to ignore, and categorically deny, against even the word of Muslim scholars themselves.
The first two of these facts are they key to the rest of them, so they are the most fundamental.
One key thing to understand that whenever Islamic scholars speak of positive aspects and attitudes in the religion, they are talking about having those positive attitudes with and doing the positive things to other Muslims. In general, non-Muslims are not included in this category.
Many of the points below are related to this, but here's a good example: Many extremist Islamic preachers will happily declare, especially after an unusually large and publicized terrorist attack, that Islam condemns the killing of innocent people.
What they won't tell you is what they mean by "innocent". You see, in Islam only Muslims can be innocent. Non-Muslims are not included in this category. This is especially conspicuous if these preachers fail to specifically declare those victims of the attack as the "innocent" ones (although, by the next point below, they aren't above doing exactly that.)
In many religions absolute honesty is considered a virtue, and lying and deception (no matter who is being lied to) is considered a sin.
Not so in Islam. In Islam, deceiving non-Muslims is perfect acceptable, especially in societies where Muslims are the minority and are not in power, in order to protect Islam and Muslims, and to advance their agenda. This is not just theoretical, as this is quite directly stated in the Islamic scriptures. It's not even a big secret, as Islamic scholars and preachers are quite open about it.
Islamic scholars and preachers will happily go along anything that western people want them to say, even if it goes blatantly against their own convictions and religious teachings. In their own view this is not treachery or being a sellout, nor a sin against their god. It's simply an acceptable tactic, when not in power in the surrounding society.
The west keeps pounding on about how Islam is "the religion of peace". Islamic scholars will happily go along with it, and in this case they aren't even lying per se. They are just being deceitful. Lying by omission.
That's because when they use the word "peace" in this context, they mean something else than what the non-Muslims mean. It does not mean being amicable and cooperating with other cultures and societies. In their religious view, "peace" is only achieved when the entire world has been subjugated under Islam. When the entire world has been converted, and is 100% Islamic. That's the "peace" they are seeking, and fighting for. Thus, "Islam is a religion of peace" is, in this context, technically correct. It's a synonym for "Islam is a religion that aims to conquer the entire world and subjugate to Islam." That's the goal. That's the "peace" that they advocate for.
The regressive left has engaged in a massive campaign to whitewash the meaning and symbolism of both the hijab and the burqa. They often don't exactly try to explain what its symbolism is, but they want people to believe that A) it's just a choice, and B) it's just an innocuous religious symbol, not unlike a Christian having a cross necklace.
The hijab and the burqa are much more than that in Islam. Most fundamentally, they are a symbol of submission to Allah and Islam. And in most Islamic societies it's most definitely not a choice. A woman is considered a pure and innocent Muslim only if she covers up with a hijab or a burqa. In these cultures it's widely viewed that women who do not wear them are promiscuous whores, who are either not Muslim at all, or rebellious Muslims who do not submit to Allah and deserve punishment. In many Islamic countries, and Islamic communities in western countries, only women who wear a hijab or a burqa are to be respected, while western women who do not wear them are considered whores.
It's especially egregious when female world leaders will wear a hijab when visiting an Islamic country, or being visited by Islamic dignitaries. These women believe that it's simply a sign of respect to their culture. In reality what they are signaling to those Muslims is that she, and by extension her entire country, is submissive to Islam. It's a symbol that says that she holds Islam as the highest authority, above everything else.
Many Islamists will happily claim that Islam is the only feminist religion. Again, see point #2 above.
Islam is most definitely not feminist. It's the exact opposite. It's extraordinarily and blatantly patriarchal. How anybody can believe otherwise is mind-boggling.
Islamic scriptures very explicitly allow polygamy, and allow it in one direction only: A man can have up to four wives (a woman cannot have multiple husbands). Moreover, the same scriptures explicitly allow husbands to physically beat their wives to discipline them (and this is a fact often defended by Islamic preachers, especially among their own congregation, even if they keep it more under the wraps when westerners are listening.) The exact same scriptures state, quite clearly, that women are mentally inferior to men, which is why the testimony of one man is worth that of two women. Indeed, if there is some kind of accusation against somebody, and there is witness testimony, the testimony of two women weights as much as the testimony of one man. This is very clearly and unambiguously stated. (The reason for this is also quite unambiguously stated, as women being mentally weaker and more unreliable than men.)
Islam enacts a traditionally fundamentalist patriarchal system. Rather obviously, the husband is the head of the family, in all aspects. Inheritance goes first and foremost to a father's first-born son, or his other sons to some extent. Only if he has no sons, only daughters, could inheritance go to one of them. In many Islamic countries women are generally not allowed to own much property, are not allowed to even drive cars (with some Islamic countries only recently allowing a limited form of this), and often not even allowed to walk alone on the streets without a male companion. Even when a woman may have some property (eg. inherited from her father, who had no sons), she relinquishes this property to her husband when she gets married.
However, there are many well-known facts about Islam that they simply want to ignore, and categorically deny, against even the word of Muslim scholars themselves.
The first two of these facts are they key to the rest of them, so they are the most fundamental.
1) Islam is a "Muslims-only" religion
One key thing to understand that whenever Islamic scholars speak of positive aspects and attitudes in the religion, they are talking about having those positive attitudes with and doing the positive things to other Muslims. In general, non-Muslims are not included in this category.
Many of the points below are related to this, but here's a good example: Many extremist Islamic preachers will happily declare, especially after an unusually large and publicized terrorist attack, that Islam condemns the killing of innocent people.
What they won't tell you is what they mean by "innocent". You see, in Islam only Muslims can be innocent. Non-Muslims are not included in this category. This is especially conspicuous if these preachers fail to specifically declare those victims of the attack as the "innocent" ones (although, by the next point below, they aren't above doing exactly that.)
2) Lying to and deceiving non-Muslims is acceptable
In many religions absolute honesty is considered a virtue, and lying and deception (no matter who is being lied to) is considered a sin.
Not so in Islam. In Islam, deceiving non-Muslims is perfect acceptable, especially in societies where Muslims are the minority and are not in power, in order to protect Islam and Muslims, and to advance their agenda. This is not just theoretical, as this is quite directly stated in the Islamic scriptures. It's not even a big secret, as Islamic scholars and preachers are quite open about it.
Islamic scholars and preachers will happily go along anything that western people want them to say, even if it goes blatantly against their own convictions and religious teachings. In their own view this is not treachery or being a sellout, nor a sin against their god. It's simply an acceptable tactic, when not in power in the surrounding society.
3) In Islam, "peace" means something else
The west keeps pounding on about how Islam is "the religion of peace". Islamic scholars will happily go along with it, and in this case they aren't even lying per se. They are just being deceitful. Lying by omission.
That's because when they use the word "peace" in this context, they mean something else than what the non-Muslims mean. It does not mean being amicable and cooperating with other cultures and societies. In their religious view, "peace" is only achieved when the entire world has been subjugated under Islam. When the entire world has been converted, and is 100% Islamic. That's the "peace" they are seeking, and fighting for. Thus, "Islam is a religion of peace" is, in this context, technically correct. It's a synonym for "Islam is a religion that aims to conquer the entire world and subjugate to Islam." That's the goal. That's the "peace" that they advocate for.
4) The hijab/burqa is a symbol of submission
The regressive left has engaged in a massive campaign to whitewash the meaning and symbolism of both the hijab and the burqa. They often don't exactly try to explain what its symbolism is, but they want people to believe that A) it's just a choice, and B) it's just an innocuous religious symbol, not unlike a Christian having a cross necklace.
The hijab and the burqa are much more than that in Islam. Most fundamentally, they are a symbol of submission to Allah and Islam. And in most Islamic societies it's most definitely not a choice. A woman is considered a pure and innocent Muslim only if she covers up with a hijab or a burqa. In these cultures it's widely viewed that women who do not wear them are promiscuous whores, who are either not Muslim at all, or rebellious Muslims who do not submit to Allah and deserve punishment. In many Islamic countries, and Islamic communities in western countries, only women who wear a hijab or a burqa are to be respected, while western women who do not wear them are considered whores.
It's especially egregious when female world leaders will wear a hijab when visiting an Islamic country, or being visited by Islamic dignitaries. These women believe that it's simply a sign of respect to their culture. In reality what they are signaling to those Muslims is that she, and by extension her entire country, is submissive to Islam. It's a symbol that says that she holds Islam as the highest authority, above everything else.
5) Islam is most definitely not a feminist religion
Many Islamists will happily claim that Islam is the only feminist religion. Again, see point #2 above.
Islam is most definitely not feminist. It's the exact opposite. It's extraordinarily and blatantly patriarchal. How anybody can believe otherwise is mind-boggling.
Islamic scriptures very explicitly allow polygamy, and allow it in one direction only: A man can have up to four wives (a woman cannot have multiple husbands). Moreover, the same scriptures explicitly allow husbands to physically beat their wives to discipline them (and this is a fact often defended by Islamic preachers, especially among their own congregation, even if they keep it more under the wraps when westerners are listening.) The exact same scriptures state, quite clearly, that women are mentally inferior to men, which is why the testimony of one man is worth that of two women. Indeed, if there is some kind of accusation against somebody, and there is witness testimony, the testimony of two women weights as much as the testimony of one man. This is very clearly and unambiguously stated. (The reason for this is also quite unambiguously stated, as women being mentally weaker and more unreliable than men.)
Islam enacts a traditionally fundamentalist patriarchal system. Rather obviously, the husband is the head of the family, in all aspects. Inheritance goes first and foremost to a father's first-born son, or his other sons to some extent. Only if he has no sons, only daughters, could inheritance go to one of them. In many Islamic countries women are generally not allowed to own much property, are not allowed to even drive cars (with some Islamic countries only recently allowing a limited form of this), and often not even allowed to walk alone on the streets without a male companion. Even when a woman may have some property (eg. inherited from her father, who had no sons), she relinquishes this property to her husband when she gets married.
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