I have been now for many years writing in this blog almost exclusively (perhaps way too much) about the regressive left, social justice warriors, and how anti-racism has gone way too far, creating more and more of an oppressive totalitarian establishment that erodes people's fundamental rights (such as the right to free speech) and punishes people for the slightest of wrongthink or using the wrong word or language (completely regardless of context or intent), and where political violence has become the norm and not only accepted but outright promoted by many members of the regressive left and the mainstream media. However, I don't see myself as an extremist who can only see one side of the issue and refuses to see the other (which is way too common, both in the extreme left and in the extreme right). If there are problems on "the other side" as well, I like to call it out, as it is. Given the extreme lengths that the regressive left has been going during the last ...