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Online harassment is ok when they do it

For years the regressive left has been campaigning against what they consider online harassment. Anita Sarkeesian, for example, in that one infamous presentation at a UN meeting, described the online harassment problem as "not just what's legal and illegal, but the day-to-day grind, 'you're a liar', 'you suck' etc." In other words, tons and tons of people sending you negative messages eg. on social media.

Of course, like always, social justice warriors love to take this concept to the extreme, and will define anything that upsets them as "harassment", even if it's just disagreement or criticism of what they are saying. You don't even need to threaten them, insult them, write anything derogatory, or anything like that. Simply being in disagreement is "harassment".

But then, also like always, when they do that exact thing, it's suddenly ok.

As an example, ever since the slanderous hit piece against PewDiePie written by the Wall Street Journal, he has been considered an enemy by the regressive left, and experienced a constant slew of online harassment campaigns, both by the mainstream media and SJW activists.

However, he is almost untouchable because he doesn't work for anybody, or anywhere where the activists can really hurt him. But that doesn't deter the regressive left. Since they love guilt by association, what they did recently was to find out every single person that he follows on Twitter, and started a massive harassment campaign against every single one of them. That's right, just having PewDiePie follow you on Twitter made you an enemy of the regressive left, by association, completely regardless of what political opinions you hold.

And we are talking about real harassment here. All of these people started receiving hundreds and hundreds of the most vicious messages, including threats of violence and death. It got so bad that PewDiePie unfollowed almost all of the people he was following, just to stop it.

Did Twitter do something to stop this and punish those who sent harassing messages to people? Of course not.

Was there some kind of backlash against this organized massive harassment campaign, by the activists or the mainstream media? Of course not.

Because, you know, it's ok when they do it. It's one rule for thee, another for me.
