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One possible drawback to UK citizens if Brexit happens

The government of the United Kingdom is trying their hardest, and apparently succeeding, in delaying Brexit even further. Something that I, among others, have been predicting for years. I still think anybody who believes that Brexit will actually happen is naive to the extreme. (I'll freely admit I was wrong if it indeed does end up happening eventually. Won't be holding my breath, though.)

Many people have been for years trying to argue that leaving the EU will be bad for the UK and its citizens. However, nobody I have seen has ever considered this:

The United Kingdom, over the past 10 or 20 years, has become more and more of a police state. Not just allegorically speaking, but literally.

The police has become bolder and bolder over the last years in enforcing regressive leftist moral standards, up to completely ridiculous extents. They are literally investigating people, and even putting them in jail cells, for the horrible crime of misgendering someone online. They are going to people's homes to intimidate them, harass them, and even take them to jail to be investigated, for the sole crime of expressing the wrong opinions on the internet. And we are not talking about "opinions" that are outright illegal, like soliciting a crime, or inciting people into violence. No, we are literally talking about such "crimes" as using the wrong pronouns when addressing someone, or expressing criticism of feminism, transgenderism, or Islam. People are being literally taken to court and sentenced for making joke videos that harm nobody.

It doesn't stop there. One sign of totalitarianism is when criticism or insults thrown at politicians are punished by law. Recently a man was sentenced for calling a politician a "nazi" (something that's not illegal in basically any other country in the world, except perhaps North Korea and China.)

And it doesn't stop there. If you are an active and popular political activist criticizing the government, the police, multiculturalism and Islam, like for example the famous Tommy Robinson, you can expect literal harassment, persecution and even assassination attempts by the police. He is being constantly harassed, his family is being constantly harassed, and he has been a political prisoner numerous times, and he has been deliberately put several times into jail with Muslim inmates that are willing to murder him.

The so-called "First Amendment Audits" are common in the United States. Some people do similar audits in the UK. There's quite a difference between the two, though: In the United States, the police will almost never physically assault the person with the camera, and try to take the camera away, for the sole reason that he's filming the police. In the United States, the police for the most part is completely ok with being filmed, at most requesting the person to move farther away if what's being filmed is a crime scene, for instance. In contrast, you can find plenty of videos on YouTube where police officers (not just security guards or random people on the street, but police officers) will assault a person who is filming them.

The fact is, and this is actually surprisingly little known, that the UK has no Constitution. It's not a constitutional country. This may feel quite strange since England is the originator country for constitutional democracies (it's the origin of the so-called Magna Carta), but it's true. There is no "Constitution of the United Kingdom". People's fundamental human rights are not clearly delineated anywhere. There are laws that protect some of these rights, but these laws are easily changed because there is no Constitution stopping that from happening.

So what does any of this have anything to do with Brexit?

What I'm thinking is: If the United Kingdom leaves the EU and becomes completely independent again, what exactly stops it from becoming an even more of a totalitarian police state than it is? What stops it from escalating its attitude towards people expressing the wrong opinions? What stops it from starting to throw people in jail for political wrongthink? What stops the UK from passing even more and more draconian laws to punish people and establish the government's supreme power? What if wrongthinkers suddenly just start disappearing or dying in mysterious circumstances?

This may go well into conspiracy theory land, but the question remains: What stops the UK from becoming such a totalitarian hellhole? What recourse do its citizens have to protect themselves and get help? If the UK is not in the EU, they can't even ask the EU international courts for help. As bad as the EU is, it would probably not allow any member state from going that far. But if the UK leaves the EU, what stops it from becoming a complete fascist totalitarian police state that, in the most extreme cases, starts murdering political dissidents?
