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Explaining biological sex to social justice warriors

It seems that there is no limit to the crazy ideas that the "progressive" social justice ideology won't go in order to impose their ideas onto society, to try to control the thoughts and behavior of people. Usually what originally started as a good genuinely progressive, in the good sense, idea is taken to the completely insane extreme over the years, until it becomes a complete travesty and mockery of itself.

One prominent example is that of acceptance and tolerance of gender dysphoria and transgenderism. Gender dysphoria is the psychological phenomenon where a person has a strong feeling that his or her gender does not match his or her biological sex. For example, a biological male may have the extremely strong feeling that he is not actually a man, mentally, but a woman. Sometimes these feelings are so strong that it causes these people distress, and makes it hard for them to cope with it, and to live a normal happy life. They just feel like they were born in the wrong body. Modern medical practice has advanced to the point where these people can have "corrective surgery" to change their outwards appearance to more closely match that of the opposite sex. (Whether this is a good or a bad thing is not the point of this post, so I'm not going there.)

Anyway, the original progressive idea is that these people should not be discriminated against, shunned, shamed, ostracized, abused, or in any other way treated differently from other people. They should be treated like human beings, not like freaks. Someone being different, not conforming to some norms, shouldn't be used as an excuse to abuse and discriminate against that person (especially if that person isn't hurting anybody.)

That's all well and good. We should indeed never abuse anybody because of such things. However, since the social justice ideology loves to take these types of principles and slowly take them to their absolute extreme, that's what has happened here.

You see, if you consider gender dysphoria some kind of psychological problem or defect, something abnormal, that's shameful and hurtful. It shouldn't be considered a disease or a defect! Their feelings could get hurt, and they may feel shame and become depressed! Therefore gender dysphoria should be considered completely normal. In fact, let's stop using that term "dysphoria", because it implies it's some kind of abnormal defect. Let's call it "gender fluidity". And, in fact, when we get down to it, most people are "gender fluid", they just don't know it. They have simply been inculcated by society to believe they are strictly one gender or the other. It's a social construct, nothing more! In fact, there is no definitive gender, or is anybody locked into one specific gender. Everybody is constantly changing. You are what you feel you are, and it can change by the minute, if you so feel. Most people's gender identity does not match their biological sex. Hell, when we get down to it, biological sex itself doesn't exist!

So yeah, we have reached for some years now that point where they are directly and unashamedly making the strong claim that biological sex does not exist. No ifs, buts or maybes, it just doesn't exist, period. How do they argue for this? Most actually don't. The few who do, present the most asinine of arguments, like for example arguing that not every person is biologically identical, therefore biological sex doesn't exist. And a few people even have a different amount of sex chromosomes than the majority. That's definitive proof that biological sex doesn't exist!

It's actually amazing that such a fundamental fact of biology as biological sex has to be explained to these ideologues. Let's try:

Every member of a sexually reproducing species, including humans, have exactly two parents. Every person has exactly two parents. Not one, not three, exactly two. This is true for every single human in existence, and that has ever existed. (There might exist your odd one-in-a-billion freak accident of nature, but such freak accidents don't invalidate this fact.)

In every single case, the two biological parents of this individual have had distinct and clear biological roles. One of those roles is what we call "female", and is the "mother" of the individual, and the other role is what we call "male", and is the "father". These two roles always exist in every single case, and are always the same. And these two roles cannot be interchanged between parents (barring your odd one-in-a-billion freak accident, which basically never happens in nature, at least for humans.) These two distinct roles provide both the genetic material that forms the offspring, as well as the mechanism by which the offspring is able to grow and be born (mostly due to the biology of the mother.)

These two biological roles are very clear and distinct, and there is no other possible combination, and there is no changing these roles for one single individual. (Medicine might one day advance to the point where it might become artificially possible, but in nature it doesn't happen for most sexually reproducing species, including humans. A few exceptional species do exist, but this doesn't apply to humans.)

So, not only does biological sex exist, moreover there are exactly two such sexes. There is no third option. An individual may be born with a birth defect (let's not beat around the bush, and call what it is) where their biology is abnormal, and they may or may not be capable of acting in the role of a parent. However, these individual defects still do not change the fact that every single person has exactly two parents, who act in two different roles in the process. It's still not possible for a person to have only one parent, or three parents, or two parents of the same role. There have to always be exactly two parents, one male, one female. Just because a few individuals may have been born with a birth defect that muddles this role for their part, or makes them incapable of acting as a biological parent, doesn't change that fact. The offspring still needs a biological male and female as parents to be possible.

Most typically, by far in the vast majority of cases, biological males tend to have certain other characteristics that make them different from biological females, both physically and psychologically. These physical characteristics are primarily caused by hormonal differences between the two sexes. Some or most psychological characteristics are also caused by these hormonal differences. Males tend to be taller, stronger, have a larger lung capacity, be more aggressive and more prone to taking risks, more stoic, have less empathy and more interest in technical things, and so on and so forth.

There can be a lot more variation in these secondary characteristics, but that's mostly besides the point when it comes to the discussion of what biological sex is, and whether it exists or not. The biological roles of the two sexes still remain the same.


  1. This is all an is-ought fallacy:

    Here is why biological sex is meaningless:

    1. Some random opinion piece blog posts by some random feminists who know absolutely nothing about biology is not evidence of anything. On top of that, neither blog post refutes what I wrote above.

      Every single person in existence has two, and exactly two parents, not one, not three, but two, and in every single case each of those parents has a clear unambiguous and undeniable biological role. You can link to as many feminist blog posts as you want, but that will not change that fact, sorry.


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