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Amazingly obnoxious and openly discriminatory "Codes of Conduct"

If you are a white man, or if you imagine you were, and you were looking for a new job, and you went to a job interview, imagine that at one point the interviewer told you something like this:

"We take matters of proper conduct very seriously. If you behave improperly, say something that upsets somebody, makes them feel uncomfortable, or you berate, belittle, insult or discriminate against someone, we will take swift action and enact stern measures. It may even quickly end in the termination of your job."

Then, with a condescending and even slightly smug tone the interviewer says:

"But as a white man, don't expect this same protection to apply to you. If you feel that someone else is criticizing, berating, insulting or discriminating against you, don't even bother complaining about it. We will ignore it, and will not do anything about it. As a white man you are a second-class citizen, and you do not have the same rights and protections as everybody else."

I think that as a sane person, your jaw would drop to the floor. You might start looking around to see if this is some kind of hidden camera prank, or something. Once it dawns on you that the interviewer is being completely serious, you would most definitely not feel very welcome at that workplace.

Or imagine, for instance, that the user agreement of the services of some big corporation, like Apple,  Microsoft, Walmart, McDonald's, or the like, had such a stipulation of open and blatant double standard: If you misbehave against somebody else, the company will enact stern measures, but do not expect having the same protections against such behavior being done to you, if you are a white male. Any such complaints will just be ignored.

Surely you wouldn't feel very welcome using the services of such a corporation. Heck, even if you aren't a white male, if you are a sane reasonable person you would probably still not feel very comfortable with this kind of open and blatant double standard. (I myself would be outraged if there was such a double standard in place somewhere, even if it benefited me at the cost of some other demographic group. It would go contrary to everything I believe in.)

In my previous blog post I cited how a certain template for "Codes of Conduct" has exactly this kind of stipulation, and seems to be being used in dozens and dozens of websites, forums, communities and organizations out there. It states:
"Our community prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort. We will not act on complaints regarding ‘reverse’ -isms, including ‘reverse racism,’ ‘reverse sexism,’ and ‘cisphobia’"
Notice how the wording has been explicitly chosen to be condescending, provocative and confrontational, and how the double standard is open, blatant and very explicit ("we will not act on complaints".)

This is 100% SJW activist speak. There isn't even the hint of diplomacy, good manners, and respect towards visitors, members and contributors to the community. The double standards and the discrimination based on gender and race are explicit and openly stated, and the tone is deliberately provocative.

Expect to see more and more of this in the upcoming years and probably decades. I doubt it's going to get any better any time soon.
