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Pre-emptive presidential pardons are absolutely ridiculous and should be abolished

One of the last things that Joe Biden did before stepping down from the office of the President was to issue a huge amount of blanket pardons to his family members and many other people, including Anthony Fauci.

These were not pardons for something they had done and convicted of. These were blanker pardons for any future accusations they might face, no matter what they are. It's pretty much in essence a "get out of jail free" card, quite literally.

If these blanket pre-emptive pardons are enforced, it means that it's useless to prosecute any of those dozens and dozens of people of any crimes, because they have this get-out-of-jail-free card in their back pockets, and they are automatically pardoned of any crimes they might be accused of. Doesn't matter if they committed murder, rape, sedition or high treason, they are pardoned and can't be prosecuted.

Which is absolutely ridiculous. Such presidential pardons should not exist. Presidential pardons should only be issuable to people who have been convicted of a crime. The notion of giving someone pre-emptively a blanket pardon for any crime that he may be accused of in the future goes completely opposite to a fair justice system. It puts those people above the law, quite literally.

On the contrary, I think that Joe Biden should be put on trial for corruption and sedition.

If the Supreme Court of the United States doesn't annul these blanket pre-emptive pardons, and abolish the practice completely, then they are as corrupt as Biden and his ilk. Presidential pardons should only be issuable to people who have been convicted of a crime.
