The authors of the (in)famous TV series South Park are absolutely irreverent and unhinged when it comes to all kinds of modern sociopolitics, not shying away from parodying, making fun of, and even outright insulting left-wing politics, right-wing politics, religions (including Christianity and, quite unusually, even Islam), cults (most prominently Scientology), transgenderism, celebrities and politicians, and so on and so forth. Some of these parodies and mockeries have been so blatant that the targets of them have even tried to sue the authors. It is my understanding that the authors consider such lawsuits (and threats of lawsuits) badges of honor. Needless to say, the authors aren't afraid of being called names. They clearly don't care if they are called transphobes, islamophobes, "fascists", and so on and so forth. With one quite prominent exception: They quite clearly are morbidly afraid of being deemed racists. The authors clearly do not subscribe to any of the ...