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Modern far-leftism is the most totalitarian ideology in history

Totalitarianism is a form of government that is dictatorial, has one single political party in power which owns and controls every single aspect of society from the top down, controlled with an iron fist, and where political opposition and criticism is banned and heavily punished.

Modern far leftism, especially in the United States (and to increasing lengths in many other western countries), fits this description to a T, at least from an ideological perspective. They might not yet have complete power over any country (although a few are quite close to this), but at least when it comes to their ideology, their principles, their doctrine, and what they have been extremely strongly working towards during the past couple of decades, they are one of the most if not the most totalitarian ideologies in the history of humanity.

Modern far leftism wants complete and total control of society. Every single aspect of it. Politically, if they had their way, they would form a single-party government where political and ideological opposition would not only be banned but heavily punished. This can already be seen at the private level: Any criticism, any opposition to their position is met with extreme reactions, more and more often of the physically violent kind: People get harassed and assaulted, buildings and cars are set on fire, everything is vandalized. There are numerous cases of people having been outright murdered.

Unsurprisingly, if they had their way (and something they have been very strongly working towards), they would implement a Marxist-socialist form of economy where private ownership and control of the means of production is banned, and everything is owned by the government. Which is, of course, one of the key pillars of totalitarianism: Ownership and control of all capital and all means of production by the government, private ownership being banned.

But more importantly, from the perspective of absolute and total control of every aspect of society, they want (and have been extremely strongly working towards) their ideology and indoctrination to be inserted and pushed everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. Every single unit of society, no matter how big or small, they want their ideology to be inserted and mandated there. All schools, all companies, all corporations, all institutions, all organizations, all events, all organized groups of people, all homes, all projects, all websites, even the very streets of every single city and town: Absolutely everywhere. They want their flags, their symbols, their ideology, their rules and mandates absolutely everywhere. They don't want there to exist any place anywhere where you are free from their propaganda and indoctrination. They want their propaganda to cover 100% of society, at every single level, 24/7 non-stop. And they want all dissent, no matter how minor, no matter how nitpicky, to be heavily punished. They want all society to be ruled by fear: If you present even the tiniest amount of dissent, even the tiniest criticism, even the tiniest amount of doubt, your life will be ruined forever.

It's hard to imagine any historical governmental regime that has been more totalitarian than this. Some get quite close, but it's hard to think of one that has been more totalitarian.
