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Japan is making a HUGE mistake

I wrote in an earlier blog post how South Korea is making a HUGE mistake. What mistake? Believing the modern "falling birth rates and an aging population is a big impending catastrophe" and that unrestricted mass immigration from poor countries is the only solution to fix that "problem".

Indeed, South Korea, one of the cleanest and safest countries in the world, with some of the lowest crime rates, drug use and poverty, is already planning on opening its borders to millions of immigrants from, you guessed it, the poorest countries in the world.

Well, not to be left behind, it appears that Japan has swallowed the exact same lie about this being a "problem" and that the only solution is unrestricted immigration. Japan, too, is planning on increasing immigration by orders of magnitude, in order to fix this impending huge disaster looming in the future.

Japan is genuinely one of the cleanest and safest countries in the world. Crime rates are astonishingly low, cities are astonishingly clean, poverty is very low, drug use is very low. Of course not everything is perfect in that society, but all in all it's one of the countries closest to what can be considered a "modern utopia".

Not for much longer. In fact, Japan has already significantly increased their immigration numbers from poor countries and, what do you know, crime rates have already reached a 20-year high.

If they keep on this course (which they most probably will), those crime rates are only going to sky-rocket.

If you live in Japan, enjoy your last years of peace and prosperity. It's not going to last. Welcome to the modern far-leftist dystopia, very soon.
