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Why you should oppose "equity"

If there is one thing that the modern far left loves, it's wordplay. They love to take existing words, change their meaning, and then confuse people by conveniently leaving it unclear which meaning they are using, letting people believe that the word is being used with the old meaning (and thus the old connotations and implications) even though they are using their own replacement meaning in order to advocate for their own political agenda.

Sometimes they are more subtle, though.

The perfect example is one of their most favorite pet words: "Equity."

Organization after organization, company after company, institution after institution, activist after activist, is loudly proclaiming how they support and engage in "equity" (and other beloved buzzwords, like "inclusion", "diversity" and yada yada.)

This is especially devious because the average person has never before heard that word, "equity", and easily gets fooled into believing that it's probably just another way of saying "equality". Most people don't start thinking much further than that, don't do research, etc. They just make the assumption, and leave it at that. This is very normal human behavior; we don't have time to do deep research into every single thing we don't already know. We just deduce from the context, assume what it means, and leave it at that.

Average people could be asked "don't you support equity?" and they would quite likely say "of course!", thinking that it's just the same as "equality". Who wouldn't support equality for all? Everybody should be treated equally, without discrimination. Equal before the law, equal before society, equal treatment, no discrimination based on sex, race, or any other such innate characteristics. Who wouldn't agree with that?

Problem is, that's not what "equity" means. Even the far-leftist activists who knowingly use the word don't claim it does, if asked to define what it actually means. (They just conveniently leave out the actual definition when it suits their agenda, to fool people.)

So this is not like right-wing interpretation, "reading between the lines", "they claim it means this but in actuality it means this other thing." No, it's literally how the far-leftist activists themselves define it to mean.

"Equity" does not mean the same thing as "equality". In fact, it means the exact opposite!

"Equality" means, for example, that when hiring new employees, giving promotions to existing employees, enrolling new students and so on and so forth, inconsequential innate characteristics, like sex and race, do not factor into the decisions at all. Everybody is treated equally! For example when hiring people only their qualifications, knowledge and experience matter, not what they happen to look like. Everybody is on the same level, the same playing field, the same line. Essentially, the people doing the hiring decisions are, optimally, "blindfolded" with regards to the person him or herself, and only see their merits and qualifications when making decisions.

And this is how it should work in a modern free democratic constitutional society, where everybody has the same rights and everybody is treated equally, without discrimination.

"Equity", however, means the opposite of that: Now the people making hiring and promotion decisions look at the person, they take into account the person's sex, race, sexual orientation, and a myriad of other things that are completely irrelevant and inconsequential with respect to the job or position in question, and make decisions based on that. The stronger the "equity", the more those innate characteristics affect the decision, even to the point of being the primary affecting factor! Suddenly qualifications and merit become completely secondary. In the most extreme cases they might be considered completely irrelevant and not considered at all!

And the main problem with this is that it's inherently and egregiously discriminatory: One sex is overwhelmingly preferred over the other, some races are overwhelmingly preferred over the others, and in fact when it comes to race and ethnicity in particular, there's an entire stack of preference. And, of course, consequently, of discrimination: If you are lower on the stack you will be discriminated against more in hiring, in promotions, etc.

This is not how a free democratic constitutional society should work! This is the exact opposite of how it should work! This is completely abhorrent!

This is why I strongly, strongly, oppose "equity"! And you should too. It goes against everything I believe in, about treating people equally without discrimination.
