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American police officers are cowards, part 10

I have written quite many blog posts about how the average American cop is an absolute coward and a 50-IQ bumbling moron who is scared of his own shadow.

Sometimes this results in absolutely hilarious events that just show that they are complete clowns. This is when, luckily, nobody gets murdered by them. Othertimes these cases would be hilarious if they weren't so absolutely tragic because they end up murdering someone.

This example is, luckily, one of the former kind. However, it was really, really close to become the tragic kind, where the coward 50-IQ clown almost murdered someone because of his own cowardice. It was likely up to mere inches.

So this cop pair go to someone's home to arrest him, and the male cop puts the suspect in handcuffs and takes him to their police cruiser and locks him in there, in handcuffs.

The police cruiser is parked under an oak tree. An acorn from that oak happens to fall at that moment onto the roof of the car. Because of the sound that it makes, the cop goes into an absolute panic mode, he starts rolling on the ground like a complete jackass, while shouting "shots fired" and "I have been shot" because his 50-IQ peanut of a brain made him think that he was shot on the side. His partner hears him scream these things and comes running to the scene (in this case her worry being justified because rather obviously she has absolutely no idea what happened.)

Ok, so far not something absolutely extreme. He panicked and over-reacted, started rolling around on the ground like a complete clown shouting like a moron. Was he justified in doing so? Maybe. Was his reaction at some level understandable? Maybe.

What is much, much less acceptable is what he did next. Rather than retreat to safety and assess the situation and try to find out what actually happened, he starts wildly shooting at his own police cruiser, where the suspect was locked inside, handcuffed. His partner, still not knowing what the hell was happening, probably assumed that the guy inside was shooting back or something, and thus also started shooting at the police car. In total they shot about 20 rounds at the car.

Miraculously the man inside the car somehow avoided being hit and wasn't injured. Thus, this act of utter stupidity could have ended once again in a cop murdering an innocent person because of his own cowardice. Thanks to the man not being injured this event, luckily, remains just a hilarious show of utter stupidity and cowardice.

After having shot his own police cruiser a dozen times he finally gathers the courage to stop rolling on the ground, get up and get to "safety", behind another car parked at some distance.

Obviously it didn't stop there, as the SWAT (or whatever) team of the police precinct was called, with all the ensuing hullabaloo.

All this because of an acorn.

The police officer ended up resigning over this incident, perhaps to avoid the lengthy investigations and possible lawsuits. (Of course the problem with him just resigning is that he's now completely free to be hired by another police precinct, who will probably be eager to hire yet another trigger-happy 50-IQ coward who's scared of his own shadow. Perfect cop material.)

You can see a video of this eg. here.
