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Why are leftists enforcing pronoun and "misgendering" rules so strongly?

When it comes to the far left, it seems that they only know extremes. Whatever their idea or agenda is, they always have to take it to the absolute extreme, always and everywhere. Even things that might have started as minor details are usually taken to the completely insane extreme over the years.

Let's take, for example, the question of people's "preferred pronouns" and the "problem" of people "misgendering" other people. In recent years they have taken these "crimes" so much to the extreme that in some countries you may even have the police come knocking your door if you "misgender" someone, or use the "wrong" pronoun. Some countries are already in the process of passing laws against it (if they haven't passed them already.) That's how far the campaign has already gone.

More at the everyday street level, whenever you are dealing with far-leftist activists, if you dare to "misgender" someone or use the wrong pronoun, the response will be immediate and extremely aggressive. You'll be lucky if the aggression is only limited to verbal aggression. They react to it like you had committed a serious crime against humanity. They react to it like people would normally react if, for example, a man started physically beating a woman in a public place. Very quick and very aggressive reaction.

But why? Why are they so aggressive about this one particular topic? Why do they care so much about it?

Well, the answer is pretty simple, and it's the same answer to all these "why do they do this?" questions when it comes to far-leftism: It's all about power and control.

This is, once again, one of their weapons of choice to control society, to control people, to exert power on them. To make people behave like they want, and to boss them around for the most minor of things, and to keep them submissive and scared. It gives them that dopamine rush when they can boss people around, tell them what to do, admonish them, lecture them on the "correct" way of doing things and berate them on their wrongdoing, on how they went against doctrine.

Many of them might not be directly and consciously thinking like that, using those exact words and concepts, but it's always the underlying reason behind it. It gives them power, it allows them to control society and people, and boss them around, and it gives them that dopamine rush when they can virtue-signal, order people around and berate them for going against the doctrine.

They think that they care about "pronouns" and "misgendering", but in actuality they couldn't give a flying fuck about those things. They superficially might believe they do, but that's not the actual reason why they do it. It's not that they care about people's "pronouns". It's the power it gives them that they care about. The power to control others, to control society.
