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The Ontario government is blatantly racist

In Canada, in this particular case more specifically in Ontario, grade school teacher candidates are required to pass (among many other things) an elementary math test. This is because grade school teachers may sometimes be required to teach particular subjects on a temporary basis even if it's not their particular field of expertise (due to eg. the actual teacher being sick and unable to attend.)

Recently the Ontario government, more in particular the Ontario courts of law, struck down this math test requirement for grade school teachers.

The reason? Because they argued that such a requirement is "racist". I'm not even kidding.

And note that that was was the only test that was removed from the requirements for grade school teachers. According to them, requiring teachers to know grade school math is "racist" because certain ethnicities were failing these test in larger proportions than others.

So what the Ontario government is essentially saying is that certain ethnicities are less capable of math, and therefore they need special exemptions in order to get the same jobs as teacher as everybody else.

To me, officially declaring "people of this ethnicity cannot do math as well as people of this other ethnicity" sounds like textbook racism. It is quite directly saying that particular races are less capable at some intellectual subject than other races. In other words, that particular races are intellectually stupider than others.

What is that other than racism?

The Ontario government is racist, plain and simple. How can this be allowed? Racism is illegal in Canada.
