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I hope Ron DeSantis runs for President and wins

Ron DeSantis is the current governor of Florida (as of writing this), and he is quite notoriously and famously "based", ie. against current far-leftist totalitarianism and its excesses.

Many conservatives have expressed the wish that it be him who runs for President of the United States in 2024 and wins, instead of Donald Trump.

I actually wish the same thing, but probably not for the same reason as those American conservatives.

You see, the American far left has spent over six years building a straw man out of Donald Trump, creating a horrendous dictatorial monster out of thin air, based on literally nothing. They engaged in the principle of "if you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes the truth", and they succeeded by far and large. In fact, they succeeded so well that even most of the rest of the world (especially European countries) swallowed it to some degree or another. Even in Europe people kept repeating the same made-up claims about Trump, even though they had literally no evidence. It was (and still is) considered a self-evident fact that's just true, period. No actual tangible evidence that they can point to needed.

The American leftist media spent the months prior to Trumps election and the entirety of the four years of his presidency in an unprecedented massive global smearing campaign. The biggest media pundits trashtalked Trump literally every single day of his presidency, without fail. All four years of it. Every. Single. Day. I'm not even kidding.

And by the end of his presidency the Democratic Party fabricated this "January 6th" straw man (and is still working hard at cementing it, two years later) in order to have a rhetorical weapon against Trump. (Indeed, if you ask any Trump-hating leftist to give an example of what Trump did that's so bad, the answer will be "January 6th" and then "lalalala I can't hear you!". It's the perfect excuse.)

That's actually the reason why I wish Ron DeSantis would run for President in 2024 and win.

Why? Because the vast, vast majority of all that work that the American far left has done in the past 6+ years will go to the trashcan, and they'll have to start all over.

If Trump were to be re-elected, the far left wouldn't really need to do anything to smear him further. They can just ride on their existing straw man and throw their temper tantrums and destroy and burn down cars and buildings (while the police just watches from the sidelines doing nothing to stop it). The base work is already done for them, so they can just ride on it.

However, if DeSantis were to be elected, they would have to start over and now organize an entirely new years-long smearing campaign against him.

Not only would it give me a sense of glee that they need to do it all over again, but it may also start having a "crying wolf" effect at the larger scale. How many times can they keep doing these massive smearing campaigns before the world just gets tired of it and stops listening to it?
