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Most "trans" people do not understand the seriousness of sex change surgery

Many countries in the west have become places where sex change castration surgeries are administered left and right, with an extremely low threshold, and to younger and younger people by the month.

Such surgeries have always been monstrous mutilation that no doctor should agree to, but at least decades ago, in many of these countries, they were extremely wary of going so far, and it was essentially used as some kind of last resort, after all other avenues of treatment had been explored and tried. Many people who wanted to go through the surgery had to wait sometimes literally for years and fully demonstrate that it really was what they wanted, that they were absolutely sure and would not regret it. (It wasn't like this in all places in all countries, but in most of them it was, decades ago.)

Today, however, the surgeries are prescribed like candy. In fact, there are some places, especially in the United States, where doctors are actually forbidden from even questioning the decision of a person who comes in and wants such a surgery. I'm not even kidding. These doctors are directly mandated by their hospital administration to never question anything related to "trans" treatments, such as puberty blockers, hormones or any of the various surgeries. If any doctor starts questioning, casting doubt and offering alternatives, he or she will be reprimanded or even fired on the spot. (Again, this is not the case in all places in all countries, but there are already some hospitals where this is literally and very explicitly the case.)

In some places it gets worse than that. Not only do the doctors not question nor offer alternatives, some of them even promote it even in situations where the patient isn't asking for it directly. And this reflects the surrounding culture at those places in general, where all kinds of institutions, influencers, teachers and people in general not only consider it a completely acceptable and positive thing, but outright promote it.

I think that many of the people, especially younger people, who end up going through surgeries, do not fully understand their seriousness.

They might think that it's essentially no different from other plastic surgery, like a nose job, or breast implants. Sure, if you get eg. a nose job, it might be swollen for a week or so, but it will heal and it will be healthy and perfect for the rest of your life, without problem nor complications and without the need of any further treatment. (Any complications of such surgeries are relatively rare).

However, sex change castration surgery is not like a nose job. Rather obviously not only does it make you infertile (which is something that most young people might not care about, but they might start regretting later in life), but it's an actually crippling surgery. It's not like you are in pain and swollen for a few weeks, until it heals, and then it's just fine and healthy and perfectly functional for the rest of your life and you have nothing to worry about. Just like a nose job.

No. You'll be dependent on hormone therapies and other drugs for the rest of your life. Even in the absolute best case scenarios you'll still have to do all kinds of physical treatment for the rest of your life. You'll never have a normal life ever again. And, what's worse, these "best case scenarios" are relatively rare, and the incidence of problems is very high. The number of second and third corrective surgeries is high, and even after them it's very common for the end result to be less than optimal. Significantly less than optimal.

The horror stories of many of the people who were lured into going through the surgeries is heart-wrenching. Their new genitals may be horrendously deformed and completely non-functional, and present all kinds of problems. Oftentimes such simple and essential things like urinating may be very difficult and even painful. In many cases the entire area becomes completely numb and incapable of feeling anything. Except pain. There may be chronic pubic hair growth and pus excretion inside the so-called "vagina", and a new "penis" and "testicles" may be completely non-functional and nothing more than an annoying and oftentimes painful hindrance. (In fact, many people who went through the female-to-male surgery report that they later asked their "testicles" to be removed because they caused nothing but physical suffering.)

If you go through the surgery and regret it later, you will have mutilated yourself for life. There is no going back. It's completely irreversible. Even if you were to go again with a surgery in the other direction, the end result will never be even close to the original. And not only will you be infertile for life, most likely you won't be able to even have sex of any kind. And that's assuming you even feel anything there, other than pain.

There are, in fact, many testimonies of people, usually younger people (early twenties, sometimes even younger), who say that they went to the surgery eagerly but regretted it pretty much immediately after they woke up, or very soon after. That's because they didn't actually fully realize what the surgery actually means. Not in the sense of what it does, but in the sense of what the consequences are. It only dawned on them, it really and truly hit home, immediately after the surgery, when it was too late, that not only was it irreversible and there was no going back, and not only were they now infertile for life, but now they are missing something very fundamental about themselves and that the rest of their life would be nothing but pain and hardship, because they just allowed their body to be mutilated for life. They realize that the pain and discomfort that they are feeling at that moment will not be something that will ever truly go away, for the rest of their lives. The most saddening thing about these particular stories is the thought of that horrible feeling where you pretty much immediately realize that you have made a mistake, and it's completely impossible to undo it, and you'll now have to live with the horrible consequences for the rest of your life. If you just had realized it the previous day...

You rarely hear of these testimonies because the media and the advocates wants them silenced and censored, and extremely rarely give these people a voice for the wider audience.
