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The school system in the West has become less and less useful over the decades

Nowadays it's surprisingly hard to fathom that in many countries in the past, like 50 to 100 years ago, primary and secondary school taught a lot more practical living skills to kids. Indeed, the grade schools in many countries taught students household skills, like cooking, sewing, economics and (in countries where it's applicable) how to do your taxes and so on. Kids who graduated from primary and secondary school were usually not complete morons with no skills whatsoever, and could, if needed, live independently, cook for themselves, sew a button, manage their economy.

Some of these things are still being taught, to some degree, in some countries, but in later decades this seems to have become rarer and rarer, and even when they have not completely disappeared it seems to have been greatly de-emphasized. Quite often these classes have become optional, and the number of hours spent on them has been radically reduced.

In fact, it seems that primary and secondary schools, especially in the West, have become institutions that do not teach practical life skills anymore, but prepare students for university or college, for a career. Schools in country after country have started emphasizing mechanical testing of knowledge and de-emphasizing practical life skills. More and more of this has been mechanized and automatized (with some schools in some countries not even having people examine and grade multiple-choice test results anymore), as if schools were nothing but factory assembly lines where kids are fed into, and ready-for-college drones are spit out from the other end. Drones that have little or no real-life practical skills and who can rarely take care of themselves, and would be pretty much helpless living independently.

There seems to be some kind of mentality that schools teaching practical things, like cooking and sewing, is somehow "antiquated", obsolete, perhaps even sexist. In a feminist society we cannot have schools teaching girls how to cook! That would be preposterous! That's such antiquated thinking! We don't live in the Middle Ages anymore! Schools telling girls to go to the kitchen is in essence no different from going to Africa to hijack slaves for forced labor! Schools should be preparing people (especially girls) for a career, not for household skills! All children must be cogs in the corporate machine! Heaven forbid some girl ends up being a housewife and a stay-at-home mom! We cannot have that!

And then they wonder why people are so bad at taking care of themselves.
