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Why the police in many countries fear to death being called "racists"

About a decade ago there was a case in Sweden, near the Finnish border, where three men and several women of the same family were jailed for physical assault, attempted murder, and several instances of harassment and other such crimes. (The longest sentence that one of the men got was 10 years. Which knowing the lax laws in Sweden ought to tell how serious the crimes were. In Sweden, in terms of severity of punishment, that's essentially equivalent to life in prison in the US.)

The thing is, this was only the culmination of a pattern of behavior from that family that had been going on for almost a decade. For as long as that family had been living in a small rural community, they had engaged in extremely severe harassment of their neighbors, to completely criminal extents. They would daily shout and scream insults at their neighbors, calling them (especially the women) all the names in the book, for literally hours on end. They would throw rocks at their neighbors' houses and they would physically harass their neighbors when they walked by. And this continued for years and years.

And yes, as outlandish as that might sound, there's plenty of video evidence of that happening, live. Several TV programs have been made about the incident afterwards.

Not content in just shouting at and harassing their neighbors, with no repercussions, over the years these people got bolder and bolder, to the point that they actually started physically assaulting their neighbors to the extent that many of them had to be hospitalized with severe injuries, sometimes even life-threatening ones. The absolutely worst case was a man who was stabbed in the back three times with a knife, and barely survived this attack. (There are newspapers articles, with photos and all, about these incidents.)

The several neighbors affected by all this sent literally and without exaggeration thousands of reports to the police for all these incidents (rather obviously also about the physical assaults). For something like a decade the police... did absolutely nothing about it.

There's even video footage of a police officer confronting those people, with them shouting insults at the officer, and the officer just trying to talk for a while, and then just going away, without doing anything. That's how bold those people were. They had learned that they had nothing to fear from the police.

It was only when they attacked a man with an axe and crushed his skull so badly that part of it had to be permanently removed (the man survived, but got permanently deformed) that the police finally arrested these people and the judicial system sentenced them to jail. No, I'm not making this up. (Again, there are interviews of the man, with his deformed skull, and photographic evidence, etc.)

Why did the police not do anything to these people for almost ten years, regardless of the literally thousands of crime reports?

Because these people were Romani, and the police were too afraid of being called racists. I'm not making that up either. (Again, this is all extremely well documented, with TV programs made about it and all.)

Yes. Even when one of them literally stabbed a man in the back with a knife three times, the police did absolutely nothing to them. Because they were afraid of being called racists. I wish I was making this up.

Of course everybody knows the case of the several grooming gangs in the United Kingdom who likewise for literally decades were completely free to prey on underage girls and run prostitution rings, with full knowledge of the police, who were too afraid of doing anything about it because they were afraid of being called racists.

These are not isolated cases. These are just the tip of the iceberg. There are tons and tons of crimes in these two countries, and some others, that the police knows of but do absolutely nothing about because they are afraid of being called racists.

Now consider that for a second: In these countries the police consider their own reputation to be more important than the physical safety and lives of the population. When ranking things in order of priority, their own reputation ranks higher than catching rapists and murderers. The citizens have to simply endure these crimes if the police considers their own reputation to be at stake.

But why? Why is the police in these particular countries so morbidly afraid of being called racists that they will even resort to criminal negligence in order to avoid it?

This doesn't happen by chance. This happens because of their training. They have been inadvertently conditioned into it.

In these two countries in particular (and I'm sure in a few other ones, especially in Europe) for several decades now the police forces have been subjected to "cultural sensitivity training", and their heads fed with all the regressive leftist ideas and jargon, and they have been made absolutely terrified at the very idea of being "racists". When it comes to non-white people, police officers are extremely wary, and they constantly walk on eggshells when dealing with them. They are literally afraid that if they say or do anything that could even remotely be seen as inappropriate, they will be deemed "racist" and shamed and harshly punished. In social justice ideology "racism" is considered the worst crime of all, even worse than rape and murder, and this has been deeply inculcated into these police officers. Thus they will go to absolutely incredible lengths to stay away from anything that could even remotely be used to claim that they are "racist". Even if it means doing nothing to serious crimes.
