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Trump gets blamed for what other presidents have done

One aspect of the so-called Trump Derangement Syndrome is to blame Donald Trump for policies and laws that weren't actually created nor enacted during his administration.

The latest, most high-profile case is, of course, blaming Trump for the immigration laws and practices on how to deal with illegal immigrants and their children. Trump is directly and solely blamed for all these laws and practices. The media narrative is that it's completely his idea and his fault.

The thing is, Trump, his administration, or even the current government, has done absolutely nothing pertaining these laws and policies.

These laws and policies were, in fact, created during the Bill Clinton administration, and carried over to all the presidencies since. In fact, the largest number of illegal immigrants that have been deported from the United States, using these exact policies, laws and practices, happened during the Obama administration. Those detention centers? Those "cages"? "Separating children from their parents"? Trump didn't enact any of them. All this already existed, and was in common practice during Obama.

On the contrary, and perhaps somewhat ironically, Trump actually enacted an executive order to stop children from being separated from their parents. (Whether that's an actually good idea is another topic.) He seldom gets credit for it.

Yet the media is painting this whole thing as if it were Trump who enacted all of this. The same media is awfully silent about the fact that it's absolutely no different than what happened during Obama, Bush and Clinton. Most efficiently enacted during Obama's presidency.

The sad thing is that it works. People still have way too much trust in the media, and they just believe it with no skepticism. Trump gets retroactively blamed for what was done during previous administrations, and people just swallow it wholesale.
